Orel Hershiser won't say if he deserves to be voted into the Hall of Fame.
"I'm excited just to be considered," said Hershiser. "I've had an amazing journey in baseball, from suspect to prospect to the Major Leagues to the success I had. And now being on the Hall of Fame ballot....
"Being on the ballot is a lot different than getting in," Hershiser said. "Only the cream of the crop gets in, and that's the way it should be. It's a special place for special accomplishments. It's one of those places -- like Augusta, with the Masters, or the Indy 500 Speedway -- when you walk in, you can cut the air with a knife. You know there's greatness in those places. I'm humbled and honored. It's the kind of thing you can't believe has happened to you."
Does Hershiser belong in the Hall of Fame? We'll find out, for this year—balloting results are announced January 9.
(And we'll conveniently overlook Orel spending two years as a Giant near his career's end. He atoned for that by returning to the Dodgers and getting his last win at Dodger Stadium.)
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