Ted Lilly (0-2, 4.26) vs. Clayton Richard (1-5, 7.86).
Don't get too cocky, Dodger fans. Sure, Richard has that ugly ERA and losing record, but he also happens to be 6-3 with a 3.19 ERA lifetime against the Dodgers. The Padres always play the Dodgers tough, and tonight doesn't figure to be any different.
Except...we've got that rookie guy starting. What's his name? Pweeg? Hmmm. Maybe this kid is worth watching.
1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»I decree first pitch to human centipede to be aimed at his head if the pansy decides to play today.
He is batting cleanup. Bring out the gimp.
Ramirez in the starting lineup. Hopefully he hits a few homeruns so he doesn't have to work out the hammy too much.
MLB suspending 20 players?
I bet Uribe gets suspended.
I sure hope no Dodgers are on that list. I also would love to see Braun suspended and Melky re-suspended.
Eric Stephen @truebluela 1m
Mattingly on Quentin: "I don't really anticipate anything. He gets hit a lot, so if he gets hit, he gets hit." http://sbn.to/16IB325
Can we also hit Richard in that creepy hillbilly Joker grill of his?
we may have to wait until the later innings to hit HC. Lilly doesn't have enough fastball to do the job right
Jesus, Ted!
Stop talking to Eric Stults
nice catch, SVS!
he's not a fast man, but he got there
We're losing already?
On the sofa Vinny. A little late but these things happen.
Hard to feel cocky with Teddy on the mound.
cripes - Teddy's trying to stink
Very nice.
FB...Teddy is a pro at stinking.
get him home, AG
@karen, Teddy's had lots of practice
couldn't make it home on time but it looks like there was no retaliation.
@Spank - yet
Lineout? Was it at least a hard hit ball?
@Spank, don't worry. We're gonna wait for a harder thrower.
Hope we can score more than 2 tonight.
I got a bad feeling about this.
@Faner - yeah it was pretty hard hit, just unlucky
fucking hell
can MLB suspend Ted retroactively to 28 minutes ago?
@ F and FB
I hears ya. i just want quick retribution.
Wow, we suck.
Doesn't Ted know our offense sucks? And our bullpen? And our bench?
Teddy wasting his good pitches on the opposing pitcher
Padres broadcast has a ball hit speedometer.
Fucking assholes
@Spank - I think you mean quick and frequent retribution
vigorous too
Already down by three? Christ, Lilly.
Ted Lilly has definitely replaced Mike Mussina for saddest face ever in baseball.
I don't think the Dodgers has the huevos for frequent retribution,FB. i'll take anything i can get.
Padres broadcast probably have a hit speedometer for their schlongs too
And I see Puig got stranded at second. Get used to it, Yasiel.
Can we get Mussina to come in and teach Ted the circle change?
@Orel - just to frustrate you more, he was stranded at third and got there with one out
The Dodgers can set up a beverage cart at each base for Puig so he won't dehydrate while being stranded.
Urine would request a food cart.
Is Old-Timers day a new thing for the Dodgers?
Taco Time!
maybe we could put increasingly delicious food at each base to lure him around the bases
Have pity on us, BABIP gods!
I wish Spank was sitting in the seats down the the third base line. I can't imagine the things he would be saying to Quentin right now
Thanks, FB. I am indeed more frustrated.
Woohoo FedEx!
Wow! FedEx!
Fed Ex!!!
Great smile by FedEx in the dugout.
Our 4th string players getting the job done.
What's our payroll again?
I don't recall old-timer games in the past.
I wonder if Guggenheim has money in FedEx
@karen, I think it's somewhere north of the GDP of Palau
@ FB
I'd request a mic if i was there. Man i wouldn't even make it to first pitch. i'll just be talking shit the whole time and would get escorted out quickly.It would be worth it.
Is Dusty off watching the Jamaica - Mexico world cup qualifying match? If so, he's seeing a decent game
@spank - that would be a great reality show - i would watch the shit out of that
FB & Orel...I remember Old Timers games way back in the O'Malley regime.
meh. oh well. puig is coming up.
hmm - we sure have a lot of them hanging around. It's a pretty successful deal for the Yanks
Stop Puig time.
Ah well
Puig showed bunt. Gotta love it.
homer time
I definitely remember celebrity all-star games, Karen. So they would do both in one season?
crud - i gotta go to bed but i don't wanna miss the plunking. They can't do it tomorrow and risk Clayton getting suspended or in a fight, can they? I bet they try it tonight with Howell or Moylan, somebody who can get it up there
well shit. that was a quick inning. went for an ice cold beverage in the fridge, i come back and A gon flies out to end the inning. Wtf?
This whole idea of carrying a large flat-screen panel from room to room. Do people really do that?
trivia: How many Cuban-born players have played for the Dodgers?
Sleep tight, FB. If a plunking happens, you'll hear about it here.
trivia answer: at least one
Kings up 2-1 in the 3rd, 16:34 left.
Uribe can't handle the Puig Gun.
Lilly with three broken legs on that play. On to the DL!
Puig is a Dodger.
Eric Stephen @truebluela 1m
The words "hit the cutoff man" will be used often after that play from Yasiel Puig
Urine couldn't handle Puigs throw. Should have blocked the throw instead of trying to make a tag with it.
SVS got all amped up watching Puig. 5-2 Pads.
Good ol' Dodgers are back.
Puig should have never made that throw.
Orel...They used to do both in the same season. Like I said, way back in the good old days. Things have never seemed quite right since the O'Malley's sold the team.
Great more bad pitching warming up.
True dat Paul, but Urine should have thrown his body at the ball instead of swiping his glove at it like a first baseman.
Buck up, Karen! The Guggenbros will find a way.
Think that is how Uribe catches hamburgers.
My god I went from 2.5 to a 7 surly in half an inning.
Jesus Colorado Lilly is terrible. This has to be the end of the road for him. He's not even a good 4 or 5 spot inning eater. Not that we have a lot of other options but Lilly is just...done.
uh oh
Dylan Hernandez @dylanohernandez 1m
#Dodgers argue that disclosing relationship with Frank McCourt will hurt chances of landing another sports team: http://lat.ms/18Tsi57
Richard catches Hanley's bullet! Again, BABIP gods?
For the record:
On the surly sofa, Vinny!
Lilly would throw at Carlos Quentin - and miss.
Dodgers go down meekly in the 4th.
I think i remember seeing Duke Snider and Gil Hodges on the field back in the 80's during one of those old timers games on KTTV. But it could have been one of those celebrity things because i remember Tony Danza on the field also.
i need a beer.
Dammit lilly
Or Lilly will throw to first - and miss.
Dusty called it!
Baseball fundamentals are nowhere to be seen.
Chase Headley -- no, chase Lilly.
Great, Matt Gurrier in to save the da....(hangs self)
Kings up 2-1 with 8 minutes left.
Sphincter-squeezing time at Staples.
On the Sphincter-squeezing sofa, Vinny!
Dodgers get a record...record number on the DL
Hawks pull the goalie.
Kings score!!!!
Fuck! Missed the homer by Puig.
Now that's some BeastMode right there.
Vin loves this kid. It's awesome.
He killed it!
I feel sorry for that ball that Puig just hit.
Puig came to the plate and I was thinking, "Don't swing for the fences, kid, just because you could tie the game." I was so very wrong.
Also, the replay of that swing made me think of Manny Ramirez.
After the game Donnie better fucking apologize to every single fan who said to bring Puig up two months ago.
5-5 in the fifth. We have ourselves a ball game.
At least until we have to pitch again in the top of the next inning.
Kings win!
439 ft
Fuck! I missed a Puig homerun?!
Wow. Still buzzed.
Fake Colletti twitter said "Imagine how far that Yasiel Puig home run would have gone if he had hit it off Ted Lilly."
Puig going for the cycle!
What's even more amazing is that we actually had two guys on base before Puig hit that jack.
Bill Shaikin @BillShaikin 17s
Yasiel Puig has more XBH tonight than Luis Cruz has all season. #Dodgers
Puig + Vin = priceless
AGon has been positively animated this season.
Hanley RBI! This is...new.
Damn.It would have been a wild scene had HanRam homered.
A lead?!
I didn't even realize Dre did not start today.
"Puig does it, just another sentence in the fairy tale that is Yasiel Puig." —Vin
Can Puig pitch? I'm sure he could.
Well this euphoria won't last long.
WTF that was fast.
Missing the game, the thread, and Twitter due to a family function, but I checked in quick. Orel is Puiging it on the Twitters.
someone give Belli some cocaine.
Belisario is a god damn JOKE.
Don't we have some hotshot Cuban relief pitcher tearing it up in AA right now? smh
666 Devils Wild!
*gets wild*
D-bags and Cards also tied at 6... in the 12th inning.
Is the crowd saying Crruuuzzz or booooo? Could go either way.
In other news: Puig heads to Middle East to broker peace.
Puig to record duet with JayZ
Puig to take over Tonight show
Vin notes that Puig is wearing the score. Love you, Vin.
Wow! Cochito comes through with an RBI.
Puig talk to Cruz. Cruz hits again
Are you kidding me???
Dodger fans were due, to be sure.
We are watching history here folks
What a manimal.
This is so amazing.
What's the rookie record for curtain calls?
Fuck you Donnie for waiting so long.
Isn't it time for Donnie to take Puig out now?
JP Howell didn't get the memo that he should be throwing AT Quentin, not serving up a meatball.
Per Dodgers:
"Last Dodger to start career with back-to-back multi-hit games: Larry Miller (6/21/1964 and 0/29/1964)."
Larry Miller the comedian?
Vin has gotten all pro-Commie, VIva Fidel he's so giddy.
He's in Puigego
This Puig kid looks like he might be alright.
If Kenley's up, that means Brandon's last. Pray for us.
I vote pitching Kenley for as long his arm stays attached. No League.
Even Uribe's shittiness isn't rubbing off on Puig!
Puig already has a third of Dre's RBI total.
Made you look like a foo, Dre.
Puig really is into nail care.
RedSox scored 17 runs tonight? Was Belli pitching to them?
HanRam with the leather!!
We could easily blow a 2-run lead and see Puig in the bottom ninth.
League in? Guess Puig will have to walk off then.
Cabrera missed Everthing with that swing.
You are such an optimist Orel. Thinking League will only give up two runs.
Ha ha!
Yeah, you were out, Quentin. Bitch.
If League's hand is hurt then Quentin will have knocked out two of our pitchers.
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