Friday, June 21, 2013

Post-Game 72 Thread: God, We Suck

Puig flashes the leather.


If you had sat in traffic for hours and gotten home to discover your place had been burglarized, then you still would have experienced a better time than watching tonight's game.

Clayton Kershaw had the audacity to give up four earned runs over six innings and the Dodgers committed two errors, giving them 56 on the season — tying them with Houston for the most in the majors. Congrats, guys!

Yasiel Puig went 2 for 4 with a run, and crushed another ball for a hard out. So there's that, and only that.


MR.F said...


Hideo Nomo said...

Turned it off when it was 1-1. I made the right call.

Steve Sax said...

When we didn't score more than one in the first, I knew we were f'd. We knock out their starter after two pitches, and we can't capitalize?!

Then the Denorfria HR.

Then we kept stranding lead off runners.

Then Skip and Andre GIDPd.

This was a pathetic showing, Dodgers. Donnie, if you can't get them to at least look like they're trying, you gotta get a new role.

Hideo Nomo said...

I'm finding myself in the "Ownership needs to do SOMETHING" camp.

Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but during the pre game when Mattingly was asked about Puig being in the All Star game, he responded by asking "How do players get in the game, they're vote in, is that what they do to get a player in?" Yeah they're voted in someone else says, "okay, well..."?"
Seriously did he say that! A f'n MLB coach ask how a player gets into the All Star game? It may not be his exact words but said it...

Dusty Baker said...

And then there's also that.

Dusty Baker said...

@ Scott K

Wow -if that is (was) his approach, then he is clearly way too aloof/naive to hold down a managerial job in the league.

If he knows the actual answer but is playing it off in this way, then he just seems lame and out of touch.

I mean, this guy can't even talk up his book?

Fred's Brim said...

@Gnomes and Sax, I am never in the "something has to change" mode but I am turning as well. After this 4-game sweep is complete, there is no way Donnie can stay. Honeycutt too, and probably McGwire

Just look at that team SD is putting out there. How is that team winning?

Fred's Brim said...

every loss adds $50k to Tony LaRussa and Bobby Cox's salary demands

Paul said...

I'm okay with getting rid of Donnie and coaches but I don't expect it to help win anything this year. I hope they trade as much as they can this year also but I don't think another team will take our head cases unless Coletti's brother is a GM somewhere.

Steve Sax said...

Maybe Colletti can trade Colletti.

Steve Sax said...

@FB 7:32a: last night, AC and I were struck by how listless and unvested the team appeared. They (except for maybe Clayton Mershaw) did not seem to care that they were losing to a spot starter and a team of scrubs. It was pathetic and dispiriting to watch them strand the whole cast if Gilligan's Island each inning.

Fred's Brim said...

@Sax what drives me the craziest is the dumb shit they do constantly, like the strike-out by Herrera (on a ball 4 in the dirt) and Skippy getting caught stealing by 5 feet on the same play.

BJ Killeen said...

I watched a Brady Bunch rerun instead of the game after the 5th. What does that say.

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

This team takes all the fun out of baseball. I watched the UCLA game, flipped back to the dodgers for a second then watched Prometheus on HBO demand.

I used to love watching Dodgers on Friday night after a long week of work, but now it just feels like work watching this team.