Clayton Kershaw (2-0, 1.78) vs. Drew Pomeranz (0-1, 5.40).
You thought Dinger was a menacing furball? Here comes Pomeranian, a breed of dog of the Spitz type who tends to be "defensive of [its] territory and will thus bark when [it] encounter[s] any outside noises."
Luckily for us Dodger fans, Coors Field has been a library this year, as it has only broken 40K in attendance once this season (the home opener, which wasn't a sellout). Which is probably why they've made today's promotion a special Weather and Science Day event. Yeah, that's sure to draw crowds.
And as for you, Pomeranian?
As an aside, it is truly amazing what kind of shit pops up when you google terms.
1 – 200 of 240 Newer› Newest»This will also serve as the new ownership press conference thread.
Gwynn 7
Mellis 4
Kemp 8
Rivera 3
Ethier 9
Hairston 5
Sellers 6
Ajellis 2
Kershaw 1
No Loney, Uribe, or Kennedy, meaning those are our bench options. Wheeeeeee.
I got five bucks that says the lovin' spoonful will be played at the presser.
I wish we would cut the shit with batting Rivera after Kemp when we face lefties
Prove me wrong, Juanny!
Magic hugs Newcombe, Davis, Garvey and Cey!
"If you don't mind, it doesn't matter" - Vin Scully
Commitment, fan-friendly, definition of winning, longevity.
The words Vin Scully uses to describe Guggenheim.
Having those guys on the bench is slightly better than actually having them on the field, no?
Hey, Tony Villar is actually in town today?
Alright, wrap it up Tony.
Tony V mentions the Kings!
It was a hologram of Antonio. He's actually in ATL rapin another self-indulgent piece that will air on CNN this Sunday.
Didnt catch the beginning but where is Ned?
Shout out to Dusty from Magic.
Magic just gave me a shoutout!
I've got a boner.
Magic promises to lower the price of parking!
Stoopid work, forcing me to miss all the fun.
$10 parking!
Parkin down to ten!!!
$10 Parking!!!!!!
A lot of focus on improving fan experience. TJ Simers's pencil must be almost out of graphite.
Stadium changes coming...
This part always makes me nervous.
The availability of the owners will be big too.
Yeah, but I can't imagine Magic walking the concourse regularly...
Beers down to $5.
Just kidding.
Kasten's had a lot of time to plan improvements, I gather.
Sax would oppose the idea of lowering beer prices.
Tim Leary!
Kevin Kennedy was a Dodger?
KK came thru Dodger system and coached in it. Not sure how long he actually played as one.
What's Cloris Leachman doing there?
Oh really?
The Dodgefather!
They're running out of room on that stage.
No offense to either man, but I don't need to see Vin or Magic without a shirt on.
There's a lot of sports history and money up on that podium.
Lunch in the dugout club? Damn, that might be the best part of this.
Free lunch? I'm betting the Sons are mad that they didn't get a press invite.
Magic's getting teary.
I bet we could have gotten into this thing if we tried.
Or maybe we did try, I dunno.
Heh - Larry King with a question
Chavez Ravine, hello!
I was thinking the same thing Nomo. We should have just bum rushed the place.
That's gold,Nomo. Gold.
Yeah, suck it, Plaschke!
Ok I just started crying when Matt and Clay came up on DiamondVision.
I hope MLB or somebody has video of this posted later
If there really is a "Don't Disparage Frank" clause in the contract, let's hope his attorneys don't consider today a breach.
@Nomo: It's "box-o-fun." The other email gets you the inbox of some Ukrainian haberdasher who dated mom in the 70s.
When do they announce the return of the original Cool A Coo?
Oh hey, a game.
Kemp with a two-out walk, but Rivera grounds out 5-3 to end the inning.
Scoreless through 1/2 inning.
Wow, there's a lot of comments on this GT! Did something happen this morning?
RIP Junior Seau
At Bat audio has been really bad for me this season. Drops out a lot.
I was able to catch the presses but am co-chairing a call now so can't follow the game closely.
Dusty, we're in the bottom of the second with two out and none on, still scoreless.
Or, as Rick Monday likes to say, "we're in the bottom of the second with two out and none on."
Keep missing those bats, Clay!
There goes the no-no.
End of two, scoreless
(Nomo is protective of his Coors Field no-hitter record)
It's true.
Hey, Gameday has an interactive hat shuffle you can play during commercial breaks. Stupid, but fun.
All Rick Monday-called games are scoreless.
O.B. Ellis!
Can Mellis score AJellis?
Ellis and Ellis!
Mellis! Ajellis!
Runny goodness!
Mellis with a RBI single, socring AJellis!
Pomegranate is scared of the Kempster
If any of you are watching Gameday, it's pretty obvious that "Scout" is just a computer alogrithm
It just made a comment about Kerhsaw that is exactly similar to a comment it made about Pomeranz in the first inning.
Three straight four-seam fastballs + balls --> triggers pre-generated comment
Yup. Slider in the dirt with men on board triggers a "faith in the catcher" comment.
I could do without the clutter, frankly.
epale everyone!
At least it's a solo shot. Our scheduled 2 runs per game are still in play.
Karina shows up, Cargo homers. Coincidence?
Ugh. Cargo.
it was a coincidence, I swear!
Why isn't our power hitting shortstop Gordon playing today?
He's still drained from that mighty wallop last night.
Well, at least Matt should get pitched to next inning.
God damn it!
Yahoo is slow. Dammit indeed!
Kershaw...losing? STOOPID COORS
Let's get some goddamn runs, you shitcockers!
Rivera singles after Matty Ks
One shitcocker on, and Ethier at the plate.
Shitcocked and loaded.
That's how I go through life.
Purple cockshits go down 1-2-3
Herrera always kills my Aguilas, even if he's also from Maracaibo
A hit would be good.
No such luck
we shouldn't expect two RBI hits from Mehllis in one game
time to go home. I am done being frustrated with work and this game
Other than the 2 bombs, Kid K has been nails.
Can't expect to win games without scoring, though.
8-pitch inning. KERSHAW ANGRY.
If it's going to be, it better be now. Come on, blue!
Four run inning right here.
You heard the man!
Be smart Kemp.
Our vs. Lefty lineup is a little questionable, outside of the usual suspects, is it not?
I suppose you could say the same about the everyday lineup, too.
At least Juan only made one out.
Ru roh Rex Ruthers.
Nice!!! Let's go non Kempthiers!
Just a fly ball to the outfield. You can DO it!
Come on Jerry, get revenge!
Ducks on the pond!
3-1. Lets go Jerry!
In play, run(s)!
What happened? Stupid phone.
doble! I want more!
Double!!! Atta boy Jerry
we retake the lead!
Homerun James.
That's okay, we only wanted a one-run lead anyway.
no lead is safe there but we can do this
That was an underwhelming AB.
Of all the James Loneys in this town you are Jamey Loneyest.
Ah well.
Starting to dislike Scutaro.
as soon as I tune back in, they tie it up
Balls again.
fuck! closing all windows
not now, Cargo, please
*glares at Karina*
Well, that should wrap things up.
Die Cargo die!!
it's my fault :(
Actually it's mine. I didn't start him for my fantasy team, so of course he goes off.
Great. Now Kennedy will bat first in the 9th.
I'm so pissed, I'm going to go back to work!
*stomps off in a huff*
*flips the bird to Aubrey Huff*
That's okay, we're going to come back to win.
I am not happy.
OK,'s getting worse.
Well we are playing the cubs next. 2 out of 3 another road split.
wait, my laggy gameday says it's only 5-3 with two out...
Stubbs, i'd love an explanation of why you didn't start him today
Because Kid K was going to ruin his shit, obviously!
(Note: This may be why I'm not good at Fantasy Baseball)
Did you start Juan Rivera instead?
Thankfully, no.
5-3 going into the ninth inning.
(new post also added, as a sidebar)
Think Kennedy is due for a walk.
Mmmmmmmm sidebar.
In play, no out!!!
Kennedy: In play, no out
tgwynn hr to tie?
Mmmmmmmm sidecar
come on Dodgers, extend this game and take this GT to extra pages
Le sigh.
No DP, Mellis!
^We keep our expectations modest.
Well, that's not a DP, I guess.
Okay. Well Kemp gets his shot.
no pressure, Kemp.
Or not. Dee on deck.
they've gotta walk Kemp, right?
to get to Dee?
they should have had Kemp and Gordon switch uniforms in the dugout.
no one would have noticed
Time for a hit Dee.
Get ready to update that Dee post.
(I would have done the same)
Let's go, Dee!
@Nomo 3:15p: So Dee won't be playing KoL this evening?
Time for a 3 run bomb from Gordon!
1-1 count
*covers eyes*
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