Thursday, May 17, 2012

Insert Copy Here

From Deadspin's post, The Angels Are Getting Desperate. This is the network with which you signed the 20-year mega-deal? Yikes.


Dusty Baker said...

I think they meant "Do Something about Shitty Hitting" but accidentally left out some copy.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Lorem Ipsum is starting at 3rd for them today.

Steve Sax said...

Maybe we could offer to trade them our .255 batter, Bobby Abreu.

In exchange for Pujols.

Hideo Nomo said...

I have a crazed conspiracy theory that Pujols dogged it on purpose to get Mickey shitcanned.

Hideo Nomo said...

Two homers in two days. I'm so right.

MeanieBreanie said...

I just saw Mickey on Sunday. I feel for him as he is one of the nicest people you could meet. I knew something was off because I partied with a hitting coach they had flown in for the Rangers series to help in addition to Mickey. It was not the new guy.
No doubt the season has not been kind to the other LA team.

Dusty Baker said...

The Orange County team, MB.

Steve Sax said...

What would Pujols have against Mickey?

MeanieBreanie said...

@Saxy - I don't know that there was anything against him. Maybe just different philosophies or styles of how to approach the game. Pujols is deeply religious and I doubt would do anything to have spurred it on. If there were any grievances aired, I can assure you it was done in private.

MeanieBreanie said...

@DB - OK, I acquiesce. It's the OC team.