Thursday, March 10, 2011

Watch Mattingly Spit

The Dodgers just debuted a new 30-second television spot, "It's Time For Donnie Baseball". You can watch the video here; pay particular attention to Mattingly teaching Dodgers how to watch a called strike three pass by (0:16) (to be fair, Kershaw is pitching), as well as spit like a pro (0:19).

In all seriousness, I like the ending bug of Vin Scully's voice, plus the period at the end of "It's Time For Dodger Baseball." rotating over 90 degrees and magnifying into the Dodgers' logo.


Josh S. said...

I Donnie's message in the spot, but it took me a couple listens to figure out the words he was actually saying.

"All the sizzions...we make...all the sizzions..."

Jason said...

Shout out to a little organ music from Nancy Bea at the end, too.

Steve Sax said...

Jason, always fixated on the little organs