Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Final Four, 2nd Half: Comment Time!


Dusto_Magnifico said...


Dusto_Magnifico said...

ok... 12 more minutes! At least I won one of the halves...

Dusto_Magnifico said...


Dusto_Magnifico said...


Neeebs (The Original) said...

uh oh

Jimbo said...

In it to win it!

Dusto_Magnifico said...

Holding breath!!!

spank said...

*rushes the seats*
*beats crap out of Bieber*

Dusto_Magnifico said...

5 more minutes!!!

Dusto_Magnifico said...

I am sending vomit and poop "vibes" to Erin's kids!

Jimbo said...

Uh-oh. Uh-OH!

Katie said...

Just playing with your mind.

Jimbo said...

Maybe she dropped the phone in the shower.

Erin said...

Okay. Now I'm actually signed in to the correct account.

Dusto_Magnifico said...


Erin said...

For the record, I only have one kid.

That I know of.

Dusto_Magnifico said...

I would like to hear the play by play Erin...

Dusto_Magnifico said...

hopefully my wife didnt encounter any poopy diapers! or vomit.

Erin said...

I really wasn't trying to mess with you, Dusto. I'm working on my laptop, which Katie had been using last night to blog. So I refreshed the page, saw that I needed to comment, and immediately did. And then I realized that it was as Katie. Then there was a moment of panic as I had to log out and sign back in as me.

This level of adrenaline rush is ridiculous for such a silly game.

Dusto_Magnifico said...

SERIOUSLY! My immediate thoughts are, had that happened to me, at home, I would have lost internet connection and been unable to comment in time. Lucky you.

Eric Karros said...

Finals are set: Erin vs Dr Geek!

Jimbo said...

I'm so gonna lose.

Dusto_Magnifico said...

well... it was a good ride.

Dr. Geek, you're in trouble, although... Erin did have an 8 minute comment time there. I think its time to invest in this Katie person and having her sign in on erins computer whenever possible.

spank said...

I'm wondering if there really is a Katie? Or maybe there is no Erin?


Erin said...

Sax and Orel can vouch for my existence.

As for Katie...well, none of you have ever seen us in the same room. That's all I'm saying.

Katie said...

Or the same shower...

Dusto_Magnifico said...

Primalfear indeed!

spank said...

I am both afraid and turned on.

Dusto_Magnifico said...

I agree Spank. I don't want to see it, but I can't stop watching.

spank said...

@ Dusto

Just like a Dodger game.