Josh Schippe is still in the lead with 580 points, with Jason second with 560 points and Quadsevens in third with 530. With three players (Dusty Baker, Fred's Brim, and Mr. Customer) at 520 points, though, anything can happen going into the Elite Eight weekend.
In other news, Sax's bracket is hanging tough at 560 points, good enough for what would be a tie for second place (had I joined the SoSG group in time):
For the hyper-competitive, President Barack Obama is at 650 points (99.7th percentile). However, Obama predicted all the 1-seeds to make the final four (only Kansas is left standing as of the Elite Eight). So there's a chance to catch up to Obama, too. And I believe those who catch up get a chance to set foreign policy for a day, right? Because I can't wait to address the situation in Vanuatu and how there are no direct flights there from LAX.
Sax if you catch up and win I can get you a direct line w SecState and you can weigh in on Libya.
Sweet! I've always wanted to meet Madeline Albright!
Wait a minute, that isn't Madeline Albright.
I guess if I want to win this thing, I have to root like hell against Kansas.
You missed your Warren Christopher opportunity.
Actually, nothing can happen with Mr. C and Jason. Those two literally have nothing left to earn.
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