Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sax's Bracket: It's All Downhill From Here

Like a time-lapse photograph movie, here's my bracket as it decays:

After 8 games, 99.8th percentile:

After 16 games, 99.7th percentile:

After 32 games, 97.7th percentile:

I'd picked 7 of 8, and 14 of 16, on the first day. But only 12 of 16 on the second day. Let's see how the weekend goes.

And for those of you are using ESPN to monitor your Tourney, how are you doing?


Steve Sax said...

I just realized there was a bracket game going on for SoSGers. Let me go find that post...

Josh S. said...

28 of 32. It'll all go to hell today, I'm sure.

Kyle Baker said...

Don't let the boobs distract your search, Sax.

Steve Sax said...

@Dusty: I never let the boobs disturb my posting, either. Though the proper term of reference for them is "Sons".

Thank you Hacienda Heights! Good night!