The Super Bowl reminded me that 2011 will be the GEEKIEST. SUMMER. EVER. Featuring...
Then there's JJ Abrams, who can do no wrong.
And Michael Bay, who can do no right. Transformers 2 was AS BAD A MOVIE AS I'VE EVER SEEN! (A list which includes over a dozen screenings of The Room and the sequel to RoadHouse.) Then why - like a goldfish with a head trauma - am I so excited to see this?
Transformers 'Dark of The Moon' Super Bowl Trailer (720p) from Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.
UPDATE - Yes, there was a second Road House.
It was real. And it was spectacular.
Wait, the was a sequel to Roadhouse? *jumps out window*
Awaiting a Booger sighting.
There's an X-Men related movie coming out this summer?
God damn it Dusty!!!!
You stole my "wait, there was a sequel to Roadhouse?" line!!!!
God damn it!!!!
(4 exclamation points each time, I get a cookie - literally, I'm eating my cookie from lunch, all better now).
If you filled a giant bin with random scrap metal, turned it over, and then filmed the scrap metal spilling out, you would have more coherent footage than that Transformers trailer.
Aaron Miles, huh?
I don't get it.
Miles looks like he could be a Batman villain's sidekick (bringing it back to the nerd!)
See main post for more Roady, Housey Goodness.
I don't recall seeing any x-men movie previews during the superbowl, either. But X-Men: First Class releases June 3, 2011...
JANUARY JONES, ladies and gentlemen!
Roadhouse 2 was an instant classic when it was released, straight to DVD.
Hey, X-Men: First Class comes out on my birthday! I wonder if it will be good or if I should save my money and watch X-Men: Economy instead.
@Josh S: I would just get Economy and hope for the upgrade
I hear X-Men: Parcel Post is also going to be a doozy
"Yer too stupid to have a good time!"
I caught a good hour and a half of it on Sunday before heading out to watch the game
Mrs FB: "You love this movie..."
FB: "So?"
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