Well, it's that time again. I figure six months after Assassins' Circle is the perfect time to launch our next reader competition: "Be My Broheim." It's being touted as the polar opposite to AC - a game that represents the love, brotherhood, and everything else that the killing and bloodshed of AC isn't. And on Valentine's Day no less!
Only the absurdity of AC will remain intact...as well as the commissioner's nervousness regarding whether the concept as developed in his head will work in practice. So, as always with a new concept launch, no guarantees there.
Also as usual, there are some strict pre-requisites if you want to play:
- You must be reasonably available during work hours to visit SoSG. The game isn't a big time-consumer, but 'gameplay' will take place during the week, before 5pm.
- You must sign up to play by commenting here
- You must send us your email address (to sonsofstevegarvey@gmail.com - please do so even if we already have it...just so I have them all in one place).
- And the number 1 criterion: you must have a high tolerance for ridiculousness and concepts that might fail miserably.
That's it. The game itself will be played the back end of this week and next week. So if you want to play, comment here and send us your email address. More details coming soon!
UPDATE (10:46am): We have all 20 participants:
- Mr C
- w.d.d.i.m.
- Spank
- Josh S
- QuadSevens
- Jason
- Neeebs
- Mr F
- rbnlaw
- Greg
- Steve K
- DB
- Mr Dr
- Loney Fan
- Paul
- MB
- Pistol PR
- FB
- Karina
Alas, registration is now closed (the potential difficulty of administering is starting to dawn on me).
I'm a little disappointed that I won't be able to kill my friends, but I'm in anyway!
(answer sent)
I'm in!! I haven't posted in a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't checked SOSG everyday.... How's everyone been?!?
Let's do this!
What's a Broheim?
(answer being sent)
Don't send me no spam,fools.
Email in a moment.
I second that on the spam. Unless it's actual spam, because that would be kinda funny.
Sign me up for some riduculousness!
Answer sent!
"Had a high tolerance for ridiculousness and concepts that might fail miserably"
- My Tombstone Epitaph
My liver's tombstone might state something slightly less tasteful.
I'm in.
What can be more ridiculous than the founding member of the Flaming Menudos playing a little pre-season romp?
In so far:
1. Mr C
2. w.d.d.i.m.
3. spanky
4. josh s
5. Q7
6. Jason
7. Neeebs
Keep 'em coming!
I'm in. Am I supposed to send you guys an email or something?
OK, I'm in.
Go Team Deltalina!!
I must defend my winning record in these games.
let's get it on!
I'm in!
And it's been a while since I've commented on anything, but like wddim, I've been keeping up with the site...
Since J. Martin has left, I've dropped my J. as well. (The K. is my real initial.)
We will need everyone's email address for the game, but for those we correspond with a lot I can dig it up. But doesn't hurt to send it.
In so far:
1. Mr C
2. w.d.d.i.m.
3. spanky
4. josh s
5. Q7
6. Jason
7. Neeebs
8. Mr F
9. rbnlaw
10. Greg
11. Steve K
Imma fuck shit up.
Heh: w.d.d.i.m.i.am.
Sorry I haven't been active either, but I am up for it!
I'm not sure how I am going to enjoy this without being able to root against Q7, but count me in anyway
Spanky just yelled at me through email so I am in!
This is the camelback contest right?
Answer been served.
Even though we aren't killing each other, this is still a competition. You're going down Loney Fan!
MB's in and ready to killKillKILL or is it to loveLoveLOVE?
Q7 says it best: it's still a competition. Winners and losers will be determined. In fact, in some ways it will be harsher than AC.
After all, love can be cruel.
We need 3 more!
I still don't know what a Broheim is? Must be something nerdy.
Count me in please. I R intrigued.
@Mr. F
Already downloaded.
My tympanic membranes thank me.
in there like swimwear
I am practicing my Jim Boeheim whiney face now
Did someone say new radiohead?
Did someone say new radiohead?
I'm not sure who I dislike more, Springsteen or Radiohead.
No takers for the last spot?
Did someone say new Deep Purple?
Okay, just checking.
Get a photo already you love machine you.
in? am I too late?
a SoSG game is the second best news today :)
You're the last one in Karina
Rules will post tomorrow at 9am, and the game begins Wednesday.
@Paul a new Radiohead album?I'm thrilled! I hope it's an album I love, not like their two last efforts.
@Eric Karros YAY! saved by the bell!
Karina! Glad to hear from you. Hope you're coping with the offseason better than I am.
Love, Dusty
I'm sure I'm not alone in wondering what karina's best news of the day was!
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