Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Talkin' Shirt

From @metsgrrl (via @molly_knight) comes this idea for a rockin' T-shirt. Would you buy one? Would you wear it to the stadium?

UPDATE: Metsgrrl points us to the originator of this idea. "Would anybody buy one if I had them printed?" he asks. It's Time for Dodgers Baseblog!

UPDATE: Order here!


spank said...



MeanieBreanie said...

I would wear it with pride. Too bad it's not a Dodger freebie. I would love to see Chavez Ravine covered in them.

Ryan said...

I am asking for one for my birthday.

Terry said...

I'm being completely serious - where do I get one?

spank said...

@ MB

There is no way McCourt would allow that shirt at the stadium.....unless he made money off of it.


clr said...

Actually, I had nothing to do with that shirt except reblog it via Tumblr. It came from this fine site:

And I allude to the "Madoff" shirts in my comment when I reblogged.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I did not create those shirts. All I did was reblog the post, which came from here:

And I refer to those "Madoff" shirts in my reblog.

I freely admit our situation is more fucked up than yours.

MeanieBreanie said...

@Spank, so they wouldn't be "freebies" but I would still love to see them draped on fans as well as the seats at Chavez Ravine. As for McCourt, he would have to allow it. This falls under our right for freedom of speech.

Amanda said...

I post on the Dodgers Tumblr with Ben and he's decided to go ahead with the shirts. You can pre-order one here:

Nostradamus said...

Yes, I think I'll be having one of those.

rbnlaw said...

25 bones for an XL? My Juanpierrewood shirt was $15, and it got me the looks at Anaheim Stadium.

Ben G said...
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Ben G said...

@rbnlaw - I dont know who did the Juanpierrewood shirts but I think they were one color? These are 3 colors, 2 on the front and one on the back, which means more setup costs.. and I'm printing them in a low quantity. Plus the price includes shipping. I'm just making them because It's a shirt I want to wear. If other people buy them it helps me to not lose a few hundred dollars to print them.

Anyone who wants to pre order one

Steve Sax said...

@Ben: You should do giftwrapping with a ribbon made of dollar bills...

John G said...

MLB just shut him down. No Dollars shirts =(

Ben G said...

Yeah. Probably going to lose my domain name too. MLB she is a harsh mistress.