Sunday, February 20, 2011

Flashback: The Dodger Hillbillies

TV Land continues to make life worth living with the airing of a classic Beverly Hillbillies featuring Leo Durocher and YOUR LOS ANGELES DODGERS. Back in the day, Mr. Durocher was like Detective Munch, showing up in every show that could write a check. (Maybe due to his gambling habit)

In a memorable episode of The Munsters, entitled "Herman the Rookie" (4/8/65), Durocher believes Herman (Fred Gwynne) is the next Mickey Mantle when he sees the towering Munster hit long home runs. Football great Elroy Hirsch also appeared with Durocher. Three years earlier, he also appeared as himself in an episode of Mr. Ed, when the talking horse sought a tryout with the Los Angeles Dodgers. He also appeared on television in the early 1970s on the syndicated What's My Line? as a mystery guest.

But none of those appearances compares to his work on The Beverly Hillbillies, as he tries to sign Jethro to a baseball contract after discovering the idiot savant's pitching arm. (Note: For all you Comic Book Store Guys out there, Durocher was not actually manager of the Dodgers at the time. But if you can buy into the premise of this show, then historical veracity is the least of your problems)

Riveting stuff. Max Baer Jr's work as Jethro has only ripened with age. And the Dodgers could do worse than take a cue from Durocher and widen their net to fill out the pitching staff. May I recommend...


spank said...

LEO! My boy!

And who the fuck records the Beverly Hillbillies on video cam from t.v.? That is hardcore nerdism right there.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

(guilty as charged. What I do for this site..)

Kyle Baker said...

I really wanted a Daytona 500 thread today.*


spank said...

@ DB

I did not even know today was Daytona.

Kyle Baker said...

Sorry to have ruined your day, Spank!

Kyle Baker said...

Just heard that Vinny is going to call both 1-3 and 7-9 innings on the radio on Opening Day this year. Will have to be sure to bring my little radio and headphones.


Kyle Baker said...

Pirate All StarGame Thread

How the hell is the West going to stand a chance with all these white boys on the team???

spank said...

All-Star game is today,too. Where the fuck have I been all week?

Inappropriate question of the day:

Is Blake Griffin black?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I want a Munch muppet.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I dare say, the West is playing something that might vaguely resemble defense.

Kyle Baker said...


I believe Griffin is part something and part something. Just not sure what.

[Said in a completely non-judgmental way, of course]

Rihanna is back to having a shitty haircut now, by the way.

[Said in a completely judgmental way]

Kyle Baker said...

Didn't we just this this suggestive dance trip with Rihanna and Drake recently? My god we're a doomed society.

Dusty getting Krusty.

Kyle Baker said...

Not exactly busting stereotypes in this halftime sow, are they?

Kyle Baker said...


spank said...

Come on Dusty. You know it's hard to come up with creative original ideas these days.

spank said...


Kyle Baker said...

Stone cold hard timez, indeed.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

So much for that style of play vaguely resembling defense.

spank said...

If you didn't catch the first time I said it:

Fuck Ray Allen!

Kyle Baker said...

Fuck Paul Pierce, too. Traitor.

spank said...

Who won Daytona? <snark

Josh S. said...

Since this is a Delino thread:

Seeing Kobe and Blake play together was like when Hogan and Warrior crossed paths in the 1990 Royal Rumble.

Kyle Baker said...

For the record: I do not dislike bourbon.

Kyle Baker said...

(cries) in his beer

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

@ Josh S - Thanks for bringing it back to what mattered most!

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

When did Rihanna steal Shaq's legs?