Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday Notes


Kyle Baker said...

re: Karina's son:

No cut to Russ, but god damn, do scouts really get paid to come up with reports like that? I really should be a scout. Although I don't think it pays that much. But sheeeyat, they're just guys like us who watch and note the same things we do (e.g., Martin lost power and isn't the same guy).

Orel said...

Dusty, currently unranked in Top Commenters. What is this world coming to?

Kyle Baker said...

Just now getting back into the game, Orel. Been out of town for over a week. Now I'm hungry.

Fernie V said...

Db they don't have I Internet on vacation.

Fernie V said...

So everyone is scared to say it, but do we get Pujols on a mid season trade or sign in free agency next year.

Josh S. said...

Dodgers are more likely to get poo-holed.

Kyle Baker said...


They had the inet where I was. But it would have been inappropriate to be posting a lot here while attending a funeral.

I have few social graces, but this is one of them!

spank said...

Relax Dusty. The guy is new. But when you want some punches thrown,or if anyone of my homiez wants some thrown,call me FIRST! PLEASE!!!!

spank said...

It's official! I have reported to camp. Can I have Sunday(today)off please? You know,the hangover and all.

spank said...

It is also official that FV's twins are freaking me out,mang!