Congratulations Loney Fan on topping ex-Bro (Round 2) MLASC, Jason, Mr F, and Spank for the title of The Ultimate Broheim! In an ironic yet heartwarming twist, it was LF's old nemesis QuadSevens who pushed him across the finish line in Round 5. LF & Quad - Frenemies Forever!
But now for the fun part: statistical analysis. Interestingly, the four participants with the highest average rating - Karina, Paul, MB, and rbn - all ranked in the bottom quartile. And the folks with the lowest average ratings - Steve K and DB - fell in the middling-to-low.
You probably knew there was no way we'd get out of this without a graph somehow involved, and here it is, compiled from the cumulative 100 data points (20 players x 5 rounds):
The correlation between your rating and your broheim's rating is evident to the naked eye, as is to a lesser degree the correlation between your rating and the degree to which you trade up or down (highly desirable folks logically have less opportunity to trade up than less desirable folks). As far as the relationship between your rating and your score (which is based on the above two relationships) - it seems there's a downside to being rated either too highly or too poorly. The middle ratings seem to have the advantage. Interesting...
And finally, a bonus graph:
So as expected the poor 1s and 2s were often left out in the cold, and the 9s never went Broheimless. Yet the 10s - perhaps due to the intimidation factor - went dateless a quarter of the time!
Anyhow, thanks everyone for bravely taking part in the social experiment. Congrats again to Loney Fan and the other top finishers! (prize to be announced soon)
Nice work, LF!
I think the lesson we should all take from this is that the statistics confirm what we had all long suspected. Karina, MB, and Paul are the hottest SoSG regulars.
I haven't thought of the the word "quartile" since McCourt announced in his first press conference that he would maintain the Dodger payroll amongst the top quartile of MLB teams. Thanks for the reminder guys!
(Opens eyes, drunkenly, in Spank's basement... Sees Dusty rolled in his sleeping bag over in the corner, Atari 2600 still showing his paused game of Pitfall... Why am I wearing Spank's gimp mask?... gonna barf, probably...)
Grats Loney Fan!
Sorry Mr. F, I guess I wan't hot enough for you.
(crawls into bathroom to barf...)
It's okay PPR. You'll always be a 10 in my book!
(walk away slowly from comment...)
Wait, we were supposed to pay attention to the participant ratings when we paired off?
I'm going to miss that S. It was fun while it lasted, Josh.
Hold on...something's not right here.
Actual baseball-related interruption:
Just reminded a Giants "fan" up here that Steve Finley slammed them out of '04 season when he casually mentioned how the Dodgers haven't punked the Giants since '93... all for daring to waring my blue to work today.
His response, upon several pregnant seconds of careful mental gymnastics, was "At least we won the World Series".
My immediate response "Proving it takes about 56 years for a blind squirrel to find a nut".
He's still trying to figure it out. I swear. He's sitting three tables over from me, with a buddy, trying to piece together a response, occasionally shooting me daggers.
Sigh. They really are lame.
Well played PPR, well played.
You're such a 10!
Are you in the bay area?
Frenemies Forever! Ha!
Congrats Loney Fan!
Congrats Loney Fan!
and Pistol Pete Reiser, I love those acts of Dodgers pride! you rock!
(grabs trophy and approaches the podium)
Oh wow, this is such a surprise. I really truly didn't expect to win, I don't even have anything prepared.
(pulls reading glasses and paper from his coat pocket)
There are so many people that made this possible. I don't know where to start. Thank you to MLASC for making sure I got a point when no one else would. Thank you to Greg Hao for my day 4 support. A giant thank you goes out to Mr. Dr. for his combined 2 day, 20 point total. Truly, without you I could not have realized my dreams. Thank you to EK for setting this up. Thank you to all the other players. You guys are the real stars out there.
(pauses to hold back tear for just a moment)
And a giant thank you goes out to QuadSevens. You are the one. You are the one who made this all possible. I know we may have had our differences in the past, but it's all a part of the process, all a part of this crazy merry-go-round we call life...
(hears music getting louder)
Okay okay okay, I know I have to get off the stage, uhhhh, uhhhh... thank you to my wife, we did it babe! Hello to my kids, Daddy loves you, go to bed now. I love you all, thank you so much!
(rushes off stage as music is now so loud he can't be heard)
Second act:
I got up, put my tray away (we were in the cafeteria here at work), walk towards door, past slack-jawed knuckle-dragger errr Giants fan, and he actually had the stunning stupidity to mutter something at me with an F bomb mixed in. I'm not even sure what he said.
First thought through my mind was something less-than-pleasant, but I refrained. He'd made himself look the fool, and there was nothing to be gained acknowledging his existence.
Spread the love!
@ Mr. F, why thank you!
@ Karina, yep, Bay Area (intended to go to Grad school at Cal, got addicted to paychecks and the ability to pay rent, met a cute SoCal blond (Bonus Points: She's a Dodgers fan), married her, add two kids, add 20 years, and here I am)
Congrats Loney Fan!
PPR, I have a good friend who lives in the city and is a huge Dodger fan. I always enjoy hearing his stories of arguments he gets into with Giant's fans over there. I don't think I could handle the constant shit talking. My temper is way to short O:)
Loney Fan, hilarious, well-done!
Way to take the high road, PPR! Glad someone is capable of doing that, as I sure am not.
Well said, Loney Fan. They like you! The really like you!
I feel like a participant in the Tuskegee experiments.
@Spank - But what's your caption?
Right, Spank. It was The Man who gave you syphilis, not me when we Broheimed.
Slow clap for Loney Fan.
Apparently, just the Clap for Spank.
@PPR 9:58a: Your stories are awesome. Way to skewer a hapless Giants fan with a rapier wit.
As for missing out on Cal...I think you chose wisely.
@ Loney Fan: great speech dude.
Now you can feel free to take off that dress that is so tight you cahn't breathe.
that was a thoughtful speech, Loney Fan
It always comes back to the syphilis.
Thanks Sax, this girdle was killing me.
*wakes up, wonders what this all means*
Neeebs and I were caught in a bad romance.
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