Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The Must-Have Throwback T-Shirts for the 2011 Baseball Season

Via Big League Stew, bear witness to Nike's new "Cooperstown Heritage" line of 13 mustache-silhouetted shirts. Unbelievably sweet idea.

There are no Dodgers in this throwback t-shirt lineup (in fact, there are no NL Westers and only one AL West representative (Randy Johnson circa Seattle Mariners era). Which of course, is a huge slight to both Casey Blake and his beard, among others (Ron Cey's 'stache would have gotten a vote from me; Jeff Kent's pornstache would have also made the cut but probably as a Giant; and what about Frank McCourt's toupee?).

But if you wanted to stretch the Dodger affiliation, you could always go with Don Mattingly:

Or what about Kirk Gibson:

Nice job, Nike!


Pistol Pete Reiser said...

That dirty rotten son-of-a-bitch Reggie can die in plane crash (hip first).

The rest are pretty cool, though.

MeanieBreanie said...

I'm glad the Dodgers were left out. These shirts are horrid!

Josh S. said...

I dunno. I like the Rollie Fingers one.

There should be an alt Dodger version of the Mattingly one that's just a hat and a tiny, wispy soul patch.

Jason said...

Eh, the Dodgers already did this.

All Star Carpet Care said...

What about an early 90's Piazza?

Fernie V said...

Piazza screw him, he is a Met. What no Dodger, that is crap. They should of made one of Gagne. No I already have that one with the blue goatee.