Earlier we reported that Barry Bonds' home run #756 ball sold for $752,467. The buyer was designer Marc Ecko, who's offering fans the chance to vote on the ball's fate:
Give the ball to Cooperstown. The ball that broke Hank Aaron's career home run record belongs in the Hall of Fame.B) BRAND IT.
Burn an asterisk into the ball with a branding iron, adding a permanent footnote to the record. Then, send it to Cooperstown.C) BANISH IT.
Put the ball on a rocket ship and launch it into orbit, a moon shot for the ages. Out of sight, out of mind.
I know how I'm voting. Click on the picture to vote. (Voting ends September 25.)
I see danger of options 2 and 3 splitting the Bonds-hater vote...maybe Ecko should have held a primary election first
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