Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tonight, At Dodger Stadium

Last night at the Stadium, there was a lot of fighting. Tonight, we bring forth six horsemen of the apocalypse.

Headhunting? We'll take an ear.

Stay tuned for the 4p GT for details.

deviant art illustration swiped from here


Orel said...

They're all Mr. Orange!

Steve Sax said...

Why does Dusty have to be Mr. Pink?

BJ Killeen said...

I have the password to the press box wifi.

Hideo Nomo said...

@ Sax: 'Cuz he's a clucking maggot.

(Edited for television.)

Orel said...

That makes you Mrs. Teal.

Orel said...


QuadSevens said...

Be sure to have K-Billy's Super Sounds of the Seventies handy on your iPhone Dusty.

Alex said...

^ obligatory