Monday, May 09, 2011

Parking Jobbed

Spotted on the Westside: A Mercedes C300 parked behind a VW CC.


Steve Sax said...

That's a tighter fit than Chad Billingsley's pants

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Any guess on the gender of the Mercedes driver?

Jason said...

(clears out the path between karina and Neeebs)

Jason said...

Mariners DFA Milton Bradley. Now the Yankees can sign him and call up Carlos Silva to bring together the most unholy trade in recent memory.

Still, thanks for 'Dre, Milton!

Steve Sax said...

shoot, I was just about to post on Bradley...nice pull Jason

rbnlaw said...

I'd blame Frank for that kind of parking job.

I will say that parking like that was rampant throughout San Francisco last time I was there.