Also, the Dodgers acquired right-handed reliever Blake Hawksworth yesterday: Dodgers deal Theriot to Cardinals (Ken Gurnick,
photos by Jon SooHoo/Dodgers
Random rantings and ravings about the Los Angeles Dodgers, written by a small consortium of rabid Dodger fans. With occasional comments on baseball, entertainment, pop culture, and life in general.
Also, the Dodgers acquired right-handed reliever Blake Hawksworth yesterday: Dodgers deal Theriot to Cardinals (Ken Gurnick,
photos by Jon SooHoo/Dodgers
4/3 vs. SF (W, 5-4): Sax
4/15 vs. WSH (L, 4-6): Dusty, Orel, Sax
5/6 vs. MIA (W, 6-3): AC, Sax
5/16 vs. CIN (L, 2-7): AC, Sax
6/12 vs. TEX (L, 2-3): Sax
7/5 vs. MIL (W, 8-5): Sax
7/21 vs. BOS (W, 9-6): Sax
7/24 vs. SF (L, 3-8): Sax
8/24 vs. TB (L, 8-9 (10)): Sax
8/29 vs. BAL (W, 6-3): Orel, Sax
9/9 vs. CHC (L, 4-10): Sax
10/5 NLDS G1 vs. SD (W, 7-5): Sax
10/6 NLDS G2 vs. SD (L, 2-10): Orel, Sax
10/25 WS G1 vs. NYY (W, 6-3 (10)): Sax
I figured the Cards would know best that you shouldn't take on ex-Cubs
So how many killer hits will he have against us next year?
I get a strong Ronnie Belliard vibe from JU. I realllly hope I am wrong. I hope we can get 2 decent seasons out of him.
I'm hoping the Varitek rumor mill is off the mark. ny all accounts, he's a stand-up guy. By that, I mean he can barely bend at the knees anymore.
The question for me about Uribe is where do we bat him? it is hard to say not knowing who our C or LF will be. Looking at his splits from last year he hit .270 in the 5 hole in 126 ABs. Other spots he batted were 6th (.219 in 137abs) and 7th (.233 in 146 abs). My guess is he will bat 5th behind Loney or Kemp.
Hopefully, not same as the old Juan.
I was thinking the same thing re: Belliard.
Which Belliard? 09 or 10?
In fairness, Uribe got a World Series ring with the ChiSox, so even if the Jints lost, that statement would still be true.
Allegedly, the Giants' ring ceremony is scheduled for 4/11, when the Dodgers are there. (Or at least Uribe his getting his ring then, it isn't clear.) I will take at least a small amount of joy in watching them hand a ring to someone in Blue in front of the Phone Booth crowd.
@Josh S: Knowing the Giants fans, they will throw chardonnay corks at the field in protest.
@MLASC - I am thinking both, but we might get 2 whole years of Belli '10. That's what scares me
Not 4/12? That would have made Timmeh so happy.
April 20, you mean?
Their ring ceremony is while we're there? BASTARDS! Can we just forfeit that game?
Alternately, can I drink about 5 Lokos and just plow into the crowd and start kicking hippies' asses?
That is what I mean. For some reason I thought it was 12.
412 is underground codeword for "Wash yer hair, Timmeh!", so it still works on a certain level.
DB, how are Lokos? Are they like Sparks?
Quiet. So very quiet.
HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate h a te.
I haven't tried any Lokos but I'd love to. Actually I'd like to try slamming 5 in an hour for the first time when I make the aforementioned sojourn to Big Phone Park to kick some chardonnay sippers' asses. I could cut through that crowd of Birkenstock lickers like Sauron through armies of men and elves on Mt. Doom.
@DB been catching up on my 4Loko history and I have learned a few things:
- they have stopped shipping to New York. Governor David Paterson, you are now my enemy. You are also a Mets fan.
- they are dropping the caffeine levels so you may have to drink 6-7 to achieve the desired affect: total destruction of Gnats fans and some of their toilets
- "pre-ban" 4Loko is selling for big bucks
- I want to try some baaad. I may have to make a run to Jersey
" I may have to make a run to Jersey"
That cracked me up. As a grown-ass man, I may have to travel to another, albeit nearby, state in order to obtain the demon rum that has the kiddies all juiced and date raped and the adults all self righteously indignant. I LIKE IT!
Thanks for the rundown. Some of that history of 4Loko was lost to me, and I see a helluva lot better than your governor.
I bet 4Loko would fix Paterson's sight
Paterson in LF?
Bet he could take more pitches than Matt and JU.
... starts printing his Patersonwood banner for left field stands...
oh, yeah...
Oyster pubes.
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