Monday, June 14, 2010

Off-Day Puzzle #6: 3-D Word Search

Puzzletime! So, you Readers think you dominate anything involving yellow-and-blue motifs presented in a 3-D format? Prove-it:

(click image to enlarge)

And here are the random Dodger-or-baseball-related words you're looking for:

  1. Andre
  2. Balks
  3. Broom
  4. Casey
  5. Curve
  6. Curve (it's in there twice)
  7. DeWitt
  8. Dives
  9. Dodger
  10. Ethier
  11. Garret
  12. George
  13. Gnats
  14. Green
  15. Grudge
  16. Hiroki
  17. James
  18. Kemp
  19. Kuroda
  20. Larry
  21. Loney
  22. Ortiz
  23. Ramon
  24. Ronnie
  25. Saves
  26. Seams
  27. Sinker
  28. Slider
  29. Smonk
  30. Stars
  31. Steal
  32. Thighs
  33. Torre
  34. Xavier

Puzzle Rules: The answer to the puzzle is a current or former Dodger. Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give it away to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:

  • Email us with the first and last name of the answer, along with your reasoning (answers arrived at via luck or the wrong reasoning, even if correct, count for participation credit only). And please include your screen name somewhere in the email; and
  • Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. I may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; I may confirm correct answers there.

You have until midnight PT tonight to submit your answer. Solution will be posted tomorrow. Good luck!

*New to SoSG's PCS Puzzle Series? Here's how it works. Join the fun, all are welcome!


Fred's Brim said...

is this the longest a puzzle has gone before an answer has been sent?

no need to issue any participation points. I am just a casual observer

ubragg said...

Oops, forgot it was a puzzle day and have to go to work now. I'll have to take a look tonight.

Greg Finley said...

I am so close, but no cigar!

Josh S. said...

Ubragg luring us into a false sense of security.

Nostradamus said...

Still haven't gotten free to take a look. I'm on extra good behavior with this being a short week.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@EK - I think I got something. Do you think you can tell me if I'm on the right track?

ubragg said...

My morning meeting was canceled, so I could not resist... Answer sent!

Josh S. said...

See?! Told ya.

Meanwhile, after finding half the words, I have a headache.

ubragg said...

Sorry Josh, if it is any consolation, I kinda regret that first post. :)

Matt said...

Just realized that clicking the map and printing it 1)is possible and 2) might be the better way to go....

Golem said...

Answer sent

MR.F said...

Hopefully I'll find time to work on this today.

Dusto_Magnifico said...

answer sent

Josh S. said...

Soooo cloooose.

Josh S. said...

Progress sent.

Jason said...

Answer sent.

Dusto_Magnifico said...

so, i sent an answer, which was obviously not correct... but i think i am on to something... at least i think so. I may have to go with the "I got this one right because that is the answer it should be" answer.

MR.F said...

Answer sent!

Eric Karros said...

Sorry folks, have been in meetings all day. Am now reading through comments and will check email soon.

Sure MLASF, will look through any progress reports...

Eric Karros said...

Just zipped through the email backlog, we have four correct answers so far:

1. UBragg
2. Golem
3. Jason
4. Mr F

Well done folks!

Eric Karros said...

Dusto, I like your answer better. So I now decree that all the others are wrong and Dusto so far is the only correct answer:

1. Dusto Magnifico

(just kidding)

QuadSevens said...

Grrr...I'm right on the edge and it's killing me!

Greg Finley said...

Wow, that last part took me forever. Answer sent!

Dusto_Magnifico said...

ok, so I think I have a better (more logical) answer sent in. Though I know it is somehow wrong.

Josh S. said...

So angry right now.

QuadSevens said...

Same here Josh. And I have a feeling I'm going to be even more angry tomorrow when I see the solution with the one mini step I'm missing.

Eric Karros said...

Yes, Greg Finley in:

1. UBragg
2. Golem
3. Jason
4. Mr F
5. Greg Finley

berkowit28 said...

I may be in the same position as others: can't quite finish the first stage.

Keven C said...


Dusto_Magnifico said...


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Progress sent.

berkowit28 said...

OK, now I've got the big clue, but can't find the right place.

Josh S. said...

Answer sent!


MR.F said...


Steve K said...

I echo Josh S, Mr. F, and MLASF in submitting my answer as well...

berkowit28 said...

I'm still stuck on the last step, though I know exactly what form it should take.

Eric Karros said...

3 or 4 more correct answers which I will list when I get home in an hour or so...

Unknown said...

Okay, today I passed my Apple Certified System Administrator 10.6 Exam. How hard can an off day puzzle be? Let's see...




Eric Karros said...

Nine are in:

1. UBragg
2. Golem
3. Jason
4. Mr F
5. Greg Finley
6. Keven C
7. Josh S
9. J Steve

With 9 correct answers, I don't think there'll be a hint...

Matt said...

I am officially bowing out...I know I'm on the verge, but can't figure it out.

Nostradamus said...

I'm in!

Eric Karros said...

Mr C is indeed in!:

1. UBragg
2. Golem
3. Jason
4. Mr F
5. Greg Finley
6. Keven C
7. Josh S
9. J Steve
10. Mr C

LLCoolL said...

I only have time for partial credit today. :(

berkowit28 said...

This is driving me nuts. Ten people got it, so it must be staring me in the face. But I've tried every possible interpretation of the clue I can think of, and then 25. Clueless.

drewdez said...

Answer sent.

This just in: business trips are not conducive to off-day puzzle solving.

Eric Karros said...

One more solver:

1. UBragg
2. Golem
3. Jason
4. Mr F
5. Greg Finley
6. Keven C
7. Josh S
9. J Steve
10. Mr C
11. Drewdez

Ok I'm off to sleep...keep at it, will check email in the morning.

rbnlaw said...

Finding all the words actually made my vision worse.

Still working. . .and waiting for a clue.

Josh S. said...

Berko, I'll say this: I found the clue to be misleading (after the fact). I'm going to wait for the official explanation before filing an official complaint with the PCS.

(I'm kidding, EK.)

berkowit28 said...

Thanks, Josh. I've tried about 53 ways of reading that clue, parsing it every which way trying to be as dumb and literal as I can, but clearly not the correct way. I know I have the clue right.

rbnlaw said...

So I put the puzzle down for 5 min., and the earth starts shaking.
Coincidence? Yes.