Friday, October 03, 2008

A Message to Our 0-2 Friends

Dear White Sox, Brewers, Angels, and CUBS:

I know y'all are busy, making plans for the rest of October. So I'll keep it brief. And visual.

And a Reminder for the Cubs Fans (those few who are still above ground):


Alex Cora said...

God I hope you didn't just jinx us...

Orel said...

speaking of jumping the gun

Eric Karros said...

Yeah this is just asking - no, pleading - to be jinxed. We'll see...

karina said...

I've got goosebumps, i'm pin on needles with this post...let's pray for good Dodger blue tonight.

Eric Karros said...

Yes - I fear that the second photo will end up being far more applicable than anyone imagined, and in all the wrong ways...

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Ye of little faith, and many neuroses.

Would I have been voted off the SoSG Island if the Cubs went on a tear?

Orel said...

At least banished to the Isthmus of Jinxes. Luckily that won't be necessary.