(paraphrasing)It was the first game in Philly I've seen with no drunken fights. It's like they were actually focused on the game."
Considering that half the dirty words I learned growing up were at the old Vet Stadium (and the other half were in five minutes of driving through Brooklyn with the CB radio on), I'm surprised and impressed by this bit of news. Maybe the Dow's free fall made fans more nervous about getting thrown out of a game they spent so much cash on. Alli also felt:
What a bonehead move by Manuel. Hamels could have laid down a better bunt and then you would have the option to play him again. Manuel is so lucky the team is good because he is about as good a manager as Michael Scott of The Office.
Well Alli, enjoy the streak of one win in a row. Now if only the Eagles could take a lesson from the Phils...
Michael Scott is a GREAT office manager! lol.
That's what she said.
delino, why are you screaming at me with your headline?
It was an exclusive!
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