Thursday, March 01, 2007

Coming Soon to a Jumbotron Near You

I can't get this song out of my head. Now, neither will you.


Anonymous said...

You are an ass. Now I'll have this emo turd in my head all day.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Spreading the love. BTW, I don't think they have emo in sweden (home of peter, bjorn, and john).

Anonymous said...

Why do I love this song?

Anonymous said...

DD, I bet they do. It's overcast a lot in Sweden.

Thanks again for planting this turd deep down. I'd probably be whistling along with it if I weren't always so overwhelmingly depressed.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

I'm worried this song will be like the masks in Halloween 3 (which turned kids heads into bugs). The song's sinister plans have yet to be revealed. whistle whistle whistle whistle

cigarcow said...

I can't stop listening to this song. Am I crazy? So there's reason #4(b) why your blog is one of the best. New music: hear it here first.

Farmer John said...

Just another thanks to you, DD. I woke up thinking of this song, too. At least I wasn't as depressed, although my jet black hair keeps falling over my face, making me think of that time I got into that argument with that punk poser at the indie record store about whether Pantera has any credibility considering they started as a "hair metal band."

Maybe I should grab the Sylvia Plath book out of my book-bag that I handknit myself and weep slowly into my triple latte.