Yes, Delino is currently trying to get De-Lean-O (sorry, had to write that). And amidst my aforementioned vices of drinking, gambling, NES RBI, and cheesy 70s Sci Fi, is the looming giant of baseball season (which combines many of said vices). But this spring, I'm on a calorie reduction program known as Weight Watchers. It skeeves me out to even admit that in writing.
I've thus started researching my options for grub at Dodgers Stadium. Bringing food into a game is allowed, but come on... I can eat a dry turkey sandwich at home. If I don't eat for the whole day, I can allow myself five garlic fries from Gordon Biersch and a CPK salad. Though eating a salad at a baseball game might get me in trouble with Tim Hardaway.
My vegan friend walked for three innings, trying to find the veggie dogs hidden away on the Reserve level like a bastard child. To paraphrase Homer J Simpson, I ain't using my legs like a sucker!
So I'm opting for a Dippin Dot diet. Since it's made from the same material that powers the Green Lantern's ring, I assume it will block the caloric intake from my DodgerDog, DodgerBeer, and Steve Sax-inspired sixth inning Malt. Sidenote - typing "Dodger Dogs" in Google Image brings up this lovely picture. Enjoy.
It's good to know you have at least one female writer here, watching her weight.
(Probably not a good time to mention that I watched the Grease reality series)
Ummmm, awkward. . .
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