So, Selection Sunday happened. It's time for SoSG to set it's brackets, as well. There are still two slots open, as of this moment. As it stands, MLASC and SoSG's own Hideo Nomo are scheduled to skate through to the Elite 8 by default. If there are any readers out there that dream of being George Mason to Nomo's UConn, you have until midnight Tuesday to get into the field.
Here are the brackets, as they stand today.
The Sweet 16 Round (both first and second halves) will post sometime March 15 or 16. Remember, posting times are random, so be vigilant!
Update 3/13: Neeebs is in with the #15 seed. One more spot available!
Nope! Sorry! Registration's closed!
*takes bye and runs*
I'm taking you to the cleaners, (open)!
*drinks rye and stumbles drunkenly*
I think this occasion deserves my basketball avatar.
Im in
I say, old chap, do you have room for this old codger?
Let Pennybags play!
My favorite spank avatar. Reminds me of a story.
Fletch: You using the whole fist, Doc?
We'll call that good, then! 2009 Champ Neeebs, and Notorious R.U.P. (who was quickly...and suspiciously vouched for by MLASC)
I'm RUP, Stubbs! I just wanted to screw with Nomo.
I figured as much, but I just wanted to screw with you.
Damn, that's good.
I eagerly await the symmetry of Nomo messing with me in some fashion. The ouroboros of comment thread mischief, if you will.
Hoops avatar activated
Actually, I suspected you were lining up to match up against yourself.
To clarify, there is still one spot available.
Stop telling them there's a spot available. It's just cruel.
...and now the circle is complete.
However, the bracket is still incomplete.
Kid Kershaw basketball avatar is ready to crush karina.
(sorry, karina)
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