Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fantasy Baseball Casting Call

This is a short notice call going out to any SoSG readers who are interested in participating in a fantasy baseball league in 2012. Legendary commenter and perpetual optimist Karina is organizing a head-to-head league and is looking for at least 3 more teams in her league. The draft is scheduled for tonight, so there's not much time to waste. Sign up here in the comments and we will e-mail you the League ID and Password if you're interested.


karina said...

thanks Stubbs!

people, i really need an excuse to draft King James as my starting first baseman and not feel guilty about it :D

Franklin Stubbs said...

Oh, and there are at least two Sons participating, so there's the incentive of delivering a whuppin' to us.

Dusty Baker said...

A whuppin' is almost guaranteed.

Orel said...

What site are you using? Is autopicking an option?

Dusty Baker said...

"If [Haren] swings the bat, I'll go down and pitch the next inning."


Dusty Baker said...

^ And Vinny was right.

He always is.

Franklin Stubbs said...


It's set up on Yahoo, so it does have an autopick.

Orel said...


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Fuck the rain!