Saturday, March 31, 2012

Preseason Game Something Thread: March Something @ Some Other Team, Sometime

[Insert Game Thread Here]


Franklin Stubbs said...

Go, someone!

Franklin Stubbs said...


So I should have gotten up and done a game thread this morning?

Dusty Baker said...

[posts lineup]

Dusty Baker said...

[makes derisive comment about struggling Dodger infielder]

Franklin Stubbs said...

That one guy is too fat!

Dusty Baker said...

[over-indulges on an upscale adult alcoholic beverage]

Dusty Baker said...

[observes other sport: Kobe 0-15]

Fred's Brim said...

[makes comment about a player's performance by only reading the box score]

Fred's Brim said...

Seriously though, Jason Kubel *owns* Clayton

Franklin Stubbs said...

[Disparagingly alludes to local sports columnist's recent work]

Fred's Brim said...

[comments about how the other team was a fluke winner of the division last year and if they can win it, why can't we]

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Sellers shouldn't get cocky if he makes the team. He seems like the kind of guy who would let a spring AB go to his head.

Fred's Brim said...

[laughs at local Arizona Ren Fest ad that nobody else heard because they would never listen to the other team's broadcast]

Fred's Brim said...

@MLASC He seems like the kind of guy who would get a tattoo to commemorate a hard-hit double

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I saw those tattoos in person. He is some kind of masochist.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

But not the kind that can hit well.

Dusty Baker said...

Urine SHOULD get a tattoo if he ever has a hard-hit double. Hell, I'll get a tattoo if he ever does.