Friday, March 30, 2012

Preseason Games 27/28 Thread: March 30 vs. Lake Michigan Adjacent, 1p

Hooray, another split squad game! As I understand it, a genetically engineered amalgam of Chris Capuano and Fernando Nieve takes on the secret love child of Francisco Rodriguez and Ryan Dempster somewhere in Arizona.

Is it opening day yet?


MR.F said...

What time are these games?

Franklin Stubbs said...

Good point. I believe these games are at 1:05pm Pacific. So noted and updated!

Franklin Stubbs said...

We're getting lazy and apathetic*, post-ownership-change-announcement.

(*read: I'M getting lazy and apathetic)

Fred's Brim said...

I can't remember the last time we've been so ready for the season to start. I usually have the feeling that every spring training game is important for getting ready for the season, for working out the kinks and getting the feel back again, especially for the pitchers. This year it feels like that last week of NFL preseason where the last preseason game doesn't matter to anybody and starters are back to only playing a few series or a quarter

Franklin Stubbs said...

Or the last week of school when you're 8.

MR.F said...

Or 4 p.m. on a Friday for adults.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I know that if I say "I want real baseball so bad," the Dodgers will lose the first five games of the season.

But dammit, I want real baseball so bad!

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Matt Kemp is playing Mega Millions.

Think about that.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Dodgers leading Wiscillinois by an aggregate of 3-1.

Franklin Stubbs said...


Franklin Stubbs said...

(because, why the hell not?)

MR.F said...

Yeah, not like anyone is watching you.

Except me o_O

Franklin Stubbs said...

If a Son streaks in the forest, and there's no one there to see, does he still get charged with public indecency?

Franklin Stubbs said...

Dee Gordon RBI triple! Dodgers lead Brewbs 7-2.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Wait, 7-3 off a Joseph Conrad solo shot.

Franklin Stubbs said...

8-3 as Loney singles home Gordon.

Is it wrong that I wish these were being played simultaneously on the same field?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Very much so, yes.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

You win some, you lose some.

Fred's Brim said...

We can cut Wright now, right?