Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Let's Hope the Season Goes Better Than THIS...

From the short-lived Magic Hour. Skip to 3:30 to hear Howard Stern and the Losers perform "Wipeout." Featuring lots and lots of farts. (I guess that's a warning too)

The horror. The horror.

But seriously folks. MAGIC. IS. PERFECT. He's the right mix of everything. Class. Business accumen (his movie theaters and Starbucks make money hand over fist!).

He understands what people want and knows how to provide it. In short, AWESOME. Welcome aboard, Mr. Johnson.

And does this mean we get to hang with him at the next Blogger Night?


Franklin Stubbs said...


Dusty Baker said...

"Welcome aboard, Mr. Johnson."


Franklin Stubbs said...

Too bad that he sold his stake in Fatburger. That would be a welcome addition to the concourse options!

(I'm an In-n-Out man myself, but I can respect)

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

They have Fatburger at Chase Field.

Fred's Brim said...

As long as Chevy Chase isn't one of the minority owners, I am OK

Pierce Hawthorne, on the other hand, I would be OK with

Jason said...

It's time to resurrect the Fletch franchise. This time with Chevy in a Dodgers jersey.

(cue Spank's SoSG MM avatar)

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Hop Along Cassidy killed himself here.

karina said...

Now i've got R.E.M.'s "Exhuming McCarthy" stuck on my head. Thanks DelinO, there's no better way to start the day (sharpening stone,walking on coals to improve your business acumen)

and yes, Magic Johnson rocks as much as my beloved R.E.M.