Friday, March 30, 2012

Matt Kemp Looking to Quadruple His Fortune


Jason said...

He also obtained a Costco warehouse-load of bottled water.

Dean said...

Looks like Matt wants to own a team someday.

Dean said...

Looks like Matt wants to own a team someday.

QuadSevens said...

I sent that pic to my parents and one of my brothers, for a highly scientific poll, asking how winning the lottery might affect Kemp's play this year. My Mom said Kemp would retire. My Dad said Kemp would play the season out feeling very relaxed and have his best year ever. My brother, an Angels fan, hasn't responded.

Time for me to go buy my tickets!

Fred's Brim said...

I heard the creek behind Matty's house dried up and he found gold in the riverbed

Hideo Nomo said...

I bought one ticket for each year of Matt's contract.

Franklin Stubbs said...

I could have bought a ticket, but that conflicted with my plans of getting drunk and playing video games.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Matt Kemp did not win, surprisingly.

Fred's Brim said...

woohoo! MLB.TV now works on Roku!

spank said...

*puts broom away*

Dusty Baker said...

No game today?