We entered Kaufmann Stadium through the right-field gate, so the obvious first stop was the right-field fountains...which were awesome. I mean, this is what Angels Stadium aspires to have with its cheesy Disney-like structure in center field, except these are fountains done right.
I appreciate that Kansas City is the city of fountains, so it makes sense that they would know what to do with them. The fountains are majestic, and not only because the tall fountains are juxtaposed with the cascading tiers of waterfalls. It's because it is SO FRICKIN' HOT in Kansas City--Ichiro was right--that the mist from the spray was refreshing. And needed.
I almost signed up to volunteer for the 2012 All-Star Game. The nice gentleman behind the table was trying to enlist me, but when I told him I didn't live in KC he said it wouldn't happen. But then when I told him that if he accepted me as a volunteer, that there would be a shot that my wife would let me come back next year--he was intrigued. (I didn't sign up.)
Next recap from KC: The fun stuff.
Earlier: Part 1, Getting to Kaufmann Stadium
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