Ok final three, it's time to KILL OR BE KILLED.
Though technically I guess it's not necessarily an 'or' since it's possible to both kill AND be killed. And after further thought, neither might happen too if the sequence of comments so dictates. And oh yeah that's right, another possible outcome is one could kill himself if he doesn't comment by 3pm.
So then let me rephrase: Ok final three, it's time to KILL OR BE KILLED OR KILL ONESELF OR THE FIRST TWO OPTIONS BUT NOT THE THIRD (I.E. KILL AND BE KILLED) OR NONE OF THE ABOVE. Thankfully the sense of urgency is still intact thanks to the use of all-caps.
Finish it!
It's an Assassins' Triangle!
I got a finski on Spank.
Bartender. Give me one Bourbon, one Scotch, and one beer.
One drink ain't enough Jack, you better make it three.
I said, I know. You funny, too.
Latest odds have Marla and Spank as co-favorites; Keven C is the darkhorse at 3-1.
Brim, get me a Guinness. It's breakfast time!
Everybody's kinda fffffunny.
My other bet is on the 3:00 scrum going like so:
Keven C
And we continue for another day.
Just a reminder, assassins get the weekend off too, so if the game's still on after today, we're back on Monday.
I feel like the guy in "Out of Sight" who accidentally shoots himself running up the stairs.
But Josh:
You forgot to factor an Initiator comment, because all comments from players either dead or not participating are thrown out.
We still don't have an initiator comment.
Someone gets a double shot.
Yeah, but in my scenario above, MLASC initiates, Spank saves him, and Keven saves Spank, rendering MLASC's second shot useless.
None of this would happen intentionally, of course. That's just how I see it laying out in the rush to comment before 3:01.
If it's the expected 3 o'clock scramble they probably won't know who the initiator is til it's all over
(practices patented shot-blocking move)
Bang bang
DB I read Practices patented cock blocking technique
That's why all three of them will double load, Just in case.
Classic AC strategum.
Now DB, its your turn to buy. Guiness up?
SPANK! DON'T SHOOT! That guarantees you lose!
Sorry. That was my only chance. Have fun in the tiebreaker
So we do this again? MY HEART CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE.
I demand ruling from EK!
Need ESPN-like summary with highlights, now!
Perhaps using the MacGruber celery strategy was a bad idea.
No ruling necessary. Me and Marla on Monday. Buy your tickets now and get half price booze at the assassins bar, courtesy of Sax.
I thought Sax was decidedly anti-half-price booze?
@ Mr.F
Saxy changed his mind when i made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
#ALF Badges
Since there's no current tiebreaker rule, might I suggest a duel at high noon on Monday?
That was cool.
Sorry guys can't parse through the comments on my crappy mobile device but will have ruling late tonight or tomorrow before you all are up
I like Keven C's idea. Have a draw at high noon so we don't have to piddle away six hours.
@Orel 1:59
You feel like Plaxico?
(shoots self)
I agree with Mlasc about Keven C's idea. Let's do it.
(drafts Orel in fantasy football)
The strategum book says early initiator in a two man shootout, might be the play.
Could be even more interesting if both players gambit the initiator, exposing the slow trigger to instant Mutual Assured Destruction.
My two cents:
No initiator.
One shot only.
First shot at noon wins.
Shoot early and you're dead.
EK's original rules say that, if it comes to a final two, the one with the most kills wins. He then says that, "if they're tied, well, we'll cross that bridge if we get to it."
Spank's kill today puts the two of us at two kills apiece.
High noon duel!
An idea to draw this out a bit:
Winner determined in a game of "Stalker become the stalkee":
In the thread (during a set, SHORT time window), Spank and MLASC are now being hunted by their two respective victims. Each victim gets one kill shot, so MLASC and Spank must each post twice in the time window. Whoever is killed first (or fails to post twice) loses.
Catch: Other dead players may provide ONE cover comment.
If both survive by the end, THEN go to the draw at high noon.
I didn't give this much thought, but you can kinda see where I'm going with it.
Ask yourselves, "What would the Faberun do?"
Speaking for The Brim, we'd drink. First one to pass out loses.
Its faberuben. Google it.
I guess I should change into my duelin' attire.
@FV @2.50
that's actually exactly what i had in my head when i crafted that statement.
@Neeebs at 2.52
No, Guinness on the rocks.
I'm not sure I understand what happened.
Nor do I think I understand how this AC round went.
I am only supportive of a high-noon duel if Spank and Marla go at it in person. Their choice:
--Wipeout course
--Chuck E Cheese Whac A Mole (three rounds, aggregate score)
Tiebreaker ruling to post tomorrow 9am.
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