With Keven C selflessly shielding his own killer from MLASC, I guess it's time to cross that bridge now that we've come to - the tiebreaker. MLASF vs Spank, mano a mano.
Although I like Josh S's idea in that it introduces wider participation, plus a nice revenge factor, I think we'll keep it simple and go with the idea both finalists seem to agree to (and that bronze medalist Keven C first suggested): duel at high noon Monday. To summarize:
- The Assassins' Circle Kill Thread 6 will post at 9am Monday, as always.
- Instead of the usual 3pm cutoff time, the game will be at noon (a comment at 12:00pm is ok, at 12:01 is too late)
- Either player can kill the other, so whoever comments 2nd - so long as it's at 12:00 noon or sooner - wins. One shot each (no initiator.)
- The only way it ends without a winner is if neither player comments by noon, in which case we reset for Tuesday.
Any questions? If not, see you Monday!
So if neither player shoots, it just re-sets until infinity or until someone does? Cool - shades of Smonkstakes!
(shoots self)
Uh, that sounds like there is an initiator. What's the motivation to comment if the 2nd commenter wins?
Or, are you just hoping for some sort of mini-scramble at 12:00?
If neither comment by noon the both commit suicide and there are no winners, should be the rule.
Yes...is that not what keven meant and mlasc and spank backed?
My response was to josh, not fern...regarding fern's comment, I don't see neither of them commenting unless they forget deadline is moved to 12
I think what they meant was like a true duel: Whoever pulls the trigger first at noon wins. (Kinda SoSG March Madness style.)
In your scenario, one would have to comment for the other to kill him, so why would one of them comment first?
You're spending a lot of time thinking about this, Josh.
That's what happens when you eat too many brains.
How is it mano a mano? We have guns.
Pistola a pistola.
They try to comment as late as possible before 1201, as opposed to as early as possible after 1159. Though I see how the latter more literally replicates a quick-draw duel, I think the former is more in line with the spirit and skill set of AC.
So them's the rules as posted. See you all Monday!
Put your shirt on, Keven C.
I'm down with this scenario as long as i get to be nekked.
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