Thursday, May 12, 2011

Anxiety Disorder Tables Kuo

Unsure if "anxiety disorder" is a fancy name for "case of the yips" or if there's a deeper issue here. "He didn't feel like he could do it," Don Mattingly said, so credit to Kuo for owning up to his limitations. Are you listening, Jonathan Broxton?

AP photo


Fred's Brim said...

Get better soon, HCK!

Josh S. said...

Don't Guo away,
Say that you'll stay,
Forever and a day...

Steve Sax said...

Oh no, we are not starting that Kuo/Guo thing again, right?!

MR.F said...

THREEPIO: Oh, yes, that's very good. I like that. Oh! Something's not
right because now I can't see. Wait. Wait! Oh, my! what have you done?
I'm backwards, you stupid furball. Only an overgrown mophead like you
would be stupid enough...

Steve Sax said...

Steal, Sam Fuld, steal

I want your badge

Josh S. said...

@Sax: Nah, just dragging up old SoSG humor for a new joke.