(Thanks to Karina for the PGT title!)
Who does a guy have to sleep with to get some run support around Dodger Stadium? Elymania was in full force tonight: 7.0 IP, 2 H, 0 R, 5 K and only 92 pitches. Ladies and gentlemen, John Ely. Unfortunately, Harenmania was also in full swing: 8.0 IP, 0 R, 7 K. But Dan Haren can't save everyone, and we got to extra innings and the soft, soft underbelly of the D'backs' bullpen. SMASH CUT to: 10th inning, Matt Kemp vs. Juan Gutierrez. BOOM, walk-off HR. Another NL West series win.
Businessbeing's Special tomorrow with a noon start. See you then!
UPDATE: Forgot to mention the Dodgers' very safe & sane walk-off celebration at the plate. Thank you, Angels!
photo by Carlos Delgado/AP. Really, Carlos Delgado? So that's what he's doing now?
DBacks, click here
Giants crowd consist of freaks geeks a cult wearing giant snuggies and what i swear is my ex girl friend wearing a panda head.
What was in my water?
Did Bison crush the living fuck out of that ball or what? It sounds cliche and a bad pun to say you knew it was a HR right off the bat, did.
There's that dude in a little boat who gets a lot of HR balls who wears a panda head.
(I'm not saying that was your ex, Paul.)
I hope not dusty.
Giants fans are standing up cheering. They must have announced their is more organic veggie salads available with white wine spritzers.
Rox just went up 2-1
Portabello mushroom sandwiches with lemon aioli for all!
Giants down a run. Giant fans sad. haHaHaHaHaHA.
Rancho Rox in top 11th w 2 outs.
Siren just rang out. There are a lotnof stories in the naked city and there goes one of them.......another one Giants down a run!!!
Why doesn't Cargo do that against us?
iPhone typo. I am not sure what a lotnof is but it sounds like something I should use to order donuts. I will take a lotnof of donuts please.
Do you want the bakers' lotnof?
Mmmmm, lotnof
You're not getting my lotnof!
Hey, when did Freddy Sanchez come back?
Freddy is not dead? I thought they cut his lotnof?
The Giants lose the game! The Giants lose the game!
Rox win.
Hahaha, Fat Panda GIDP's to end the game!
Giants lose. Silly other NL west teams.
KFPDP, Giants lose! Giants lose!
I enjoyed the Lotnof the Rings movies.
Gnats just don't have a lotnof hitting.
Dear AZSnakepit fans,
The word you're looking for is FUCK!
Or is it lotnof?
Thanks Mets; maybe thanks Rox.
Better than Lotnof the Dance.
Nooooooo FP Santangelo is therapist said that time in my life never really existed.
Lotnof sounds like a stone-faced Soviet gymnast.
Brain Wilson a lotnof idiot.
Dbags have lost 9 in a row and have that brutal sched coming up. AZSnakepit may need to re-examine their profanity policy.
Lotnof vodka sounds kinda cool.
Some talk on Dodgers-themed Twitterverse of a Kim Ng swimsuit calendar...time for bed.
Lotnof dreams!
Why did you put that image in my head. Lotnof nightmares ahead.
I'm going to run around the schoolyard tomorrow and taunt, "whaddya got? you got lotnof-fing!"
Still here!
Kidding, I'm home.
Lotnof walknoffs for these Dodgers!!
Love the Carlos Delgado line, Orel.
So, tonight I went looking for the stars and stripes cap because, as ugly as it is, I want one to commemorate yesterday's wild game. They were charging FORTY-EIGHT DOLLARS for it at the right field team store. That's an eleven dollar markup over the online price. Unreal.
I caught a replay of Steiner's call of the homer on the way home. It was amusing:
At least Charley got this call right
you make a lotnof calls in your career, you're bound to get a few right
@Josh - 48 bones? do you at least get an unsold pavilion ticket with the hat?
Saw an ad at the bottom for "Bleacher Beach" for $30 and you get $20 in "Beach Bucks". I thought it was all you can eat? I've never sat there, but it sounds pretty dumb. Pricing structure at Chavez Ravine is dumb though, now that I think about it.
Josh, sounds like they are charging crack prices for those hats. Anyone know if they will be wearing those white ones for 4th of July?
This is an honor! thanks!
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