Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Connect Four Round 10

To be honest, it seemed to me that mcr had a pretty solid argument for going with Column E last round. And if not Column E, then at least Column D would have forced the Writers into a defense move, after which you could pick up on the Column E strategy anew. But the people have spoken, and Column F it is. Why Column F? I think I know - you all want to prolong the game because it's so much frickin' fun! So your wish has been granted, and on we go to the next round...

Round 10: What should be the Readers' next move?
Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
Column E
Column F
Column G
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MCR said...

this is why i hate democracy. :-P ok, back to obsessing over fantasy football and waiting for pitchers and catchers to report to spring training... and wondering whether i can steal billingsley in the late rounds of my baseball draft again this year...

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Its D then (assuming SOSG plays D) then B.

karina said...

why not F?

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Because we save F as a safety valve.

karina said...

why am i an idiot?

QuadSevens said...

Let's not resort to name calling now.

F is not a good move because it will allow the writers to block our winning diagonal.

G is not a good move because it will allow the writers to win with four horizontal pieces.

Dusto_Magnifico said...

I'm no connect 4 guru.. but uh... yeah... wow! lets not ever take this past connect 4.