Tuesday, November 04, 2008

C4 Round 4: Get The Vote Out!

On any other day, the Connect Four vote below would be the most important ballot you cast today. But as you well know, there's another little election happening today: Proposition M vs Proposition CC. Fortunately there's nothing preventing you from participating in two different contests on the same day. So make your move, Readers:

Round 4
Round Four: What should be the Readers' next move?
Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
Column E
Column F
Column G
Free polls from Pollhost.com


QuadSevens said...

Connect Four is really a game of mistakes. You win because someone fails to think through a move and leaves a win wide open. When only making one move a day, it's hard to force a simple mistake. It also sucks having to go second and be on the defensive the entire time. I'll leave the strategy to someone else for today. I'm voting Prop M.

karina said...

I'm torn between C, E and F. I need help to make up my mind.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Column D puts Red on the offensive.

Just a thought.

Eric Karros said...

How does Column D put red on the offensive?

Erin said...

I think C is a bad idea.

Eric Karros said...

Hey Erin, can I ask a question about your blog?

Neeebs (The Original) said...

EK: Um...considering we have yet to string two spaces together, without putting black into a position of stringing 3 together?

I'm not happy with the Red Team. I demand a trade or I'll dog it the rest of the year.

Erin said...

EK, ask away.

Eric Karros said...

Erin - do you mean 'took' as in 'Robots took away/swiped my medicine' or more like 'Robots ingested/swallowed my medicine'?

Neeebs - I acknowledge that the Red Team is at a disadvantage by having to go second, as Quad noted. I like making the rules.

Erin said...

EK, in terms of the inspiration for the title, which comes from an old SNL sketch, I think it's more about the theft of the medicine. But I think the robots eat the medicine they steal, too. So I guess it works both ways.

If you haven't already, click on the "Click here to learn how to protect yourself" under the "Robots?" heading on the sidebar. That's a link to the sketch.

Eric Karros said...

That SNL sketch is too funny - I hadn't seen it before.