So here's some random stuff for you, to tide you over until the Dodgers' next step toward defeat.
Jeff Kent is not having a good time in Survivor.
Gangnam Style is the most-liked youtube video of all time. Congratulations, Dusty, on that itchy trigger finger! Except, please make sure this meme doesn't get out of hand.
Steve Lyons is doing VO for MLB The Show 13.
What a turd of a week this is turning out to be.
I think I tore my balls. Don't worry I still have more than Mr. KemVP.
How bad can a week where Jeff Kent tears his balls possibly be, Gnomes?
Oh, sorry. I was unclear. I should have added, "for me." I was throwing in the Lyons news with the MNF result from last night.
The Kent news brightens things quite a bit.
Everything is better with more Ice Cube, DKA.
Actually, the part where Lyons calls the game is usually not what makes me crazy. It's the insipid anecdotes and general jack-asserey that makes him awful.
A digitized version might be an improvement.
Worked for Kruk.
Lyons calls the game?
You know what I mean. It's not when he's on topic, it's the rambling dissertations that he fills in between play.
Oh wait, that's all he does.
So, you're right, he just sucks.
You win your very own Steve Lyons, to be enjoyed in the comfort of your living room.
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