6:55 GIANTS 21, PATRIOTS 17! Thanks for participating in the Adriana Lima Ad Watch!
6:26 Samsung. "The next big thing is here." Then, "coming soon." Uh-huh.
6:21 Kia, Optima. Adriana Lima AND Motley Crue? Are we so easy?
Oh yeah, Adriana Lima:
6:14 Bud Light, Here, Weego! See what happens when you drop the Platinum bit? Nice tag with HELP RESCUE DOGS.
6:08 Honda, Ferris Bueller; MetLife, various cartoon characters: is our generation so susceptible to the emotional mining of the icons of our childhood?
6:02 Jack in the Box, marrybacon.com. Have they out-Jumbacoed themselves?
6:01 NFL, Evolution. Tradition and an allusion to safety. Not bad.
5:56 Tom Brady: no bald spots. THERE IS NO GOD
5:49 Another good Bud commercial (the Cult one).
Acura, Seinfeld vs. Leno. New NSX!
Toyota, new Camry:
5:39 Fiat, Abarth. That got my attention! B+
5:18: Chrysler. Holy shit, it's Clint Eastwood!
From @Dodgers:
4:44 G.I. Joe 2. Like G.I. Joe, but with Bruce Willis!
Doritos, E*TRADE, babies. Fewer babies, more dogs!
4:40 Skechers, Mr. Quiggly. Sorry about those fake fitness shoes! Here's another dog.
Teleflora, Adriana Lima. Adriana Lima? Adriana Lima.
Avengers. It's Iron Man! Captain America! The Hulk! And...Hawkeye? Oooh, a guy with a bow and arrow! Look out!
4:32 Sorry, George Lucas. Not watching Episode I again!
Chevy, Sonic. Real stunts. Can't fake that! B+ (7:02 Turns out that was OK Go.)
Beckum: limps off. Beckham: pants off.
"And Chad Ochocinco comes into the game. The one-time Johnson, the one-time Bengal." Well played, Al Michaels.
4:22 H&M, David Beckham. One for the ladies!
Don't forget the Lingerie Bowl was played today!
4:14 VW. I love dogs! And I love Star Wars! B
4:10 Avatar 2 — I mean John Carter!
Another decent Bud spot!
4:08 Doritos: I love dogs. But I love cats too! B-
Budweiser, prohibition. How can Bud Light commercials be so bad and regular Budweiser ads be so decent? Not flashy but efficient. B-
4:04 Transformers 4 — I mean, Battleship!
4:02 GoDaddy: excuse to post photo of Danica Patrick.
3:52 Kinks outro music! Love it!
3:44 Collinsworth re: Brady safety: "You have to be inside the tackle box." We're fishing now?
3:43 No, that wasn't Ryan Gosling in that Hyundai commercial. But they probably won't mind if you think it's him.
3:42 Pepsi, Elton John. Plus half a grade for Flavor Flav save. C-.
3:40 Gisele was probably drawing up a play for her husband.
3:39 Audi takes on the Twilight phenomenon. Is there any crossover here, even for a parody? D
3:39 Bud Light Platinum? Light platinum? Contradiction in terms? F
3:33 From @AaronGleeman:
Over/under on National Anthem was 1 minute, 34 seconds. Kelly Clarkson's version? 1 minute, 34 seconds.
3:30 You say Gostkowski, I say Gronkowski.
3:26 Eli Manning interviewed minutes before the game? Would you interview a starting pitcher before gametime?
3:22 How much dough is Jeff Bridges making from these Hyundai ads?
3:20 The Dictator. Who loves political satire?! Anybody?
3:19 Ladies and gentlemen, Kelly Clarkson and the Awkwardly Prepubescent Choir!
3:17 That's who!
3:15 Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton! Who?
1:38 Via the unsinkable @molly_knight:
Rumored Madonna halftime setlist: 1. Vogue 2. Music (w/ @LMFAO) 3. Give me All Your Luvin (w/ @NICKIMINAJ) 4. Like a Prayer (w/ @CeeLoGreen)
1:20 HOLD EVERYTHING! TBS is showing The Wedding Date, starring Debra Messing as a woman who hires a hunky male escort (Dermot Mulroney) as...pause for suspense...her wedding date! This is now The Wedding Date Ad Watch.
Welcome to the fifth annual (kind of) SoSG Super Bowl Ad Watch! Mostly this is an opportunity to make snap judgments about commercials that hundreds of people labored on and companies spent millions on. And post some sexy pictures. And I guess there's a game mixed in there somewhere.
I guess I'll have to post my Puppy Bowl comments elsewhere.
ps- I was just wondering. Is there another kind of judgment other than snap judgment? First I've heard tell of the possibility.
This Costas interview with Madonna is nothing short of groundbreaking journalism.
First beer: opened
Clearly, if advertisers wish the potential consumer to believe their product is particularly inexpensive, they use the word, "bucks," instead of dollars. "Bucks" makes it seem as though the consumer only has to pull out a few fun coupons from their wallet and make a purchase. "Dollars" makes it sound like an expensive investment.
About to go for a Fat Tire.
Already started slitting my wrists after this Victor Cruz human interest schmaltz.
Or that you pay in deer.
Or point guards from Milwaukee.
Just got back from a hike with daughter #2. Cleaning up, then on to Commercial Bowl XLVIGMWS.
Isn't XLVIGMWS performing with Madonna at halftime?
@Orel and RBN
LMFAO! I mean I'm actually laughing uncontrollably not referring to the dance music sensation.
That set list actually seems intriguing. Throw in some Pit Bull and I'd be really into it.
You mean you want to see a Dr. Pepper commercial?
"Give me All Your Luvin"
Wasn't that a ZZ Top song?
"Give me all your luvin, all your hugs and kisses too."
I'd rather see ZZ Top perform.
No, I mean throw in an angry pit bull and I would enjoy watching it maul these attention hounds.
Had to say it.
you forgot song 5.Papa Don't Preach (w/@flamingmenudos
Coors Light: first beer advertised today that I will not be drinking
If Madonna is going to do ZZ Top, she should do "Pearl Necklace."
That is all.
If Madonna married a giant, that would be good.
Andre Ciccone?
I love this Wilfork cat.
What was up with that WEEDS commercial? Seems like something got cut off.
Please go away, Denzel. Good old, just go away.
Go away, poorly-calibrated autocorrect. Just go away.
So glad this is the last time I have to hear this faux-country trollope sing that football intro song until next season.
Matthew Broderick ad: pretty good!
Over/under on how late my in-laws will be? 63 mins late so far.
That Ronald McDonald House Charities commercial blew.....
I kid, I kid!
Hyundai - do they make those in the US? I never knew that. If so, that wasn't a bad ad for them.
Guessing crowd noise won't be a factor today. I sounds like Eli Manning is in my living room.
Bud Light Platinum: second beer advertised today that I will not be purchasing or consuming.
And we open with a safety! This is NFL football!
Pepsi: another beverage you would have to drug me to get me to drink.
Super bore ads 2 for 4 thus far. Plus for Flava Flav and that birch Elton.
Are we the ones doing the heavy lifting today? * lifts a sierra Nevada*
Flavor Flav seems to elicit positive vibes from this crowd.
What is this crap, LSU vs Alabama? Let's have some scoring. Boo I'm bored.
When should I switch to Scotch?
Eli is on.
Twelve men on the field? Is this the pre-season?
Why is Bilicheck wearing a hoodie indoors? You cold, bro?
DB call the audible.
Fuck these bud light ads.
M&M ad, meh. And where is Al Gore in the best buy ad?
Well, I have 9 and 0 in my pool so let's have he first quarter win then I claim $200.
Good call boys.
Rooting for 9-0 1st Q for Dusty's enrichment!
Chevy end of the world ad wasn't bad until the raining frogs bit just put it too over the top.
And the complete lack of women.
Tom Brady awaketh.
Chevy uses Zombieland and Magnolia for the 2012 ad.
Didn't suck.
I'm one Fat Tire down, but may just jump right to the Le Fin Du Monde.
Liked the vampire and apocalypse commercials so far.
Dusty for the enrichment!
Seal on Macallan 10 broken....
Bud Fat: another beer advertised that I will not be purchasing. Though likely to consume on a late night out with RBN.
Hells yes to the Buds, DB
Cleared $190 sitting on my ass. Reminds me of my drug dealing days.
Still, woo hoo! And here's to rare safeties.
The vampire ad wasn't bad, but it's about te 7th time I've seen it since midweek. Doesn't make it a SB ad in my book.
Seal on my bladder broken.
Agreed, Dusty. Wrong audience.
Not surprisingly I liked the VW with my hero Darth Vader.
It's like that VW ad was custom-made for us.
Still not buying one, though.
VW ad worked.
My buddy Louie took $50 in the first. Daughter #2 sitting pretty for the 2nd.
Exactly. It's like they've been tracking our comments and translated them into an ad.
And no way in hell I'd ever buy another VW.
If I see one more hash tag, I'm going to pick up the hash pipe.
Should those polar bears be playing in this global warming environment?
rbnlaw at home: "Hello, Daughter #2. How was your day today?"
Does your comment at 4:20 after RBN's demand a DAMMIT! ?
Cat status: on lap.
Snot status: In deep
Daughter #2 asked how much she gets if the numbers remain.
Holy shit. Buying into the Avengers.
Come on, Pats. 7 points then halftime give me a 0-9 for the second half pool.
Pug status: begging for chips at my feet.
Hey, anyone know who the halftime entertainment is going to be? They've been keeping it under wraps.
I can't wait for Super Bowl L.
I just didn't get the comic book/super hero gene. Or, I did, then it turned off when I was around 15.
Bruce Willis?
That's right, Orel.
How are the Pats going into the half with the lead?
I was watching the Super Bowl and a screening of 300 broke out.
I'm probably the only one out here who liked madonna's show. Much respect to her. loved the mash up with LMFAO.
Not a Madonna fan but have respect for her. Halftime show was fine.
Patriots surging. Sanctimonious Boston fans getting geared up.
So the Giants are falling apart. 17-9 Pats.
C'mon, Eli.
I think Dusty went to Vegas with his winnings.
Just squeaked in! 17-12 Pats.
Actually thought Madge rocked it at halftime.
Fiat ad - first good, Super Bowl Ad kind of ad there's been, in my opinion.
Jay and Jerry: pls go the fuck away.
Still haven't seen a beer advertised that I would purchased. Surely I'm not the only representative of such a demographic, right?
Cc: Madison Avenue
Just got back with a 12 er of Budweiser.
What'd I miss?
Damn. Grilled hot links are goooood.
And they say advertising doesn't work.
Actually, nobody says that.
Eli heating up!
Pizza in MDIL's oven heating up!
Hopefully it scores more than three points.
Met Life has also been mining SoSG user data. Featured both Ritchie Rich and Scooby Doo.
Dusty: I was just thinking that re: Ferris Bueller.
How is it that they nail Gen X cartoons and movies we like, but can't get a sniff of the booze we consume?
Simple minds, complex alcohol consumption.
Pats getting ready to wrap this up.
Goddamn monkeys is funny.
"Simple minds, complex alcohol consumption."
Thanks for boiling down my entire essence in one small, casual remark, Orel.
Oh, speaking of, loved that Career Builder commercial with the chimps. Chimps are funny.
Super Bowl commercial gold: animals acting like humans.
Giants dropping like flies. What are they drinking, pansy juice?
Because it works on so many levels.
Wait...styluses aren't cool.
Fuck yeah! The Darkness, FTW.
Pats operating with surgical precision here.
Welker...so close.
Manning to Manningham!
Fuck this fucking super bore! I ain't winning shit.
I will gladly pay the $390 I won in order to make the Giants lose.
Go NY Giants!
I blame you guys for making me care about the Super Bowl, specially the Czar
booze count: third and last screwdriver
Damn, Dusty, I thought you won $200.
Karina rockin' the booze!
I won both first and second qtrs, Orel.
Orel, this is a special occasion in my life: first time I've ever watched a complete Super Bowl.
You have to toast on special occasions, right?
Yes you do!
(raises glass)
Can someone check on Danica Patrick? Her vagina just exploded.
Cheers, Orel!
Holy shit, that was funny.
He didn't want to score the TD. This is nuts!
Holy crap, I'm drinkin with karina.
Holy shit this is nuts I tells ya!
3rd & 10!
football is awesome, you know?
Only when there's no baseball!
4th & 16!!!
Nine seconds left! 2nd & 5! Did I mention this is nuts?
Cheers, rbnlaw!
@Orel I've told you, there is always winter baseball and you can be an Aguilas fan, you kinda get trained for Dodger futility ;)
Now I'm really pissed off and bitter. More than before the game started.
But you're also richer, Dusty.
Aguilas del Zulia is my favorite Venezuelan team!
But again, I'd give every penny of my winnings to see that trophy stripped out of the Giants' hands.
Also, if I never hear another Tebow-themed meme in this space again.
The Giants win the Super Bowl!
this awesome great wouldn't have been possible without TEBOW.
You know I heart you very much Orel?
I think Jim Henson created Cee Lo Green.
Damn you Dusty for invoking Marla.
Fucking great ending to the.super bore. I was fingertips away from $250.
How many nipples does Christina Aguilera have again?
I just now noted the running updates/commentary on the main page for this ad-watching thread. I was too focused on masterful insight to back out of comments and look at the main thread again. My bad.
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