Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gotta Catch 'em All! (Pack 1)

After discharging his fatherly duties, rbnlaw became a late-tourney pickup, an innovative signing by our GM in an attempt to inject some fresh energy into the team. Thrown immediately into the fire, he wasted no time in flashing bat and glove to defend the good name of SoSG.

Scott Proctor to my Joe Torre, neeebs heroically pitched all three of our games, pounding the strike zone all day long. Despite being squeezed more than a roll of Charmin in a trash compactor, his composure on the mound never wavered. It's a shame how our health insurance plan doesn't cover arm reattachment surgery.

Dedication? Dude was on the road at 4AM, driving from Fresno to West Covina to join us. Dedication? CVF provided a steady backstop for neeebs' pitches and was prepared to sacrifice his body to protect the plate. Dedication? We were floored by his amazing personal story of perseverance. Check out Central Valley Fan's ThinkCure! fundraising page.


Dusty Baker said...

I love the shot of RBN pointing. Is he pointing where the spot where SoSG opponent's batter was about to yank one over the fence? Or was he saying, "Hey, that's my beer over there! You touch my beer I breaka you face!"

Johnny Blanchard said...

Geesh, how cool is this? Although we really should have beers in hand in each picture.

Dusty Baker said...

I am deeply disappointed in the lack of beers in hand, Johnny B.

Although, again, to RBN's credit, he may have been pointing, saying "Hey, slipper boy, bring me another beer!"

Neeebs, on the other hand, has no excuse for not being able to both pitch AND drink beer.

spank said...

Dope cards. i think RB is pointing at Dusty's lung which made a special guest appearance at the beer concessions.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Apparently pitching and beer were expressed violations of the "box" rule.

Hideo Nomo said...

@Neeebs: ILLEGAL!

MeanieBreanie said...

So proud of all you guys. SoSG was well represented. We might not have won the game but we win in other ways. No team can even come close in the booze department. Rock on and drink on!

Neeebs (The Original) said...

@Nomo: I should have been thrown out of the game.

Hideo Nomo said...

I should have stepped in to pitch for you.

Of course, I would have walked everybody, because clearly I lacked the arm strength to even get the ball back to the mound from the plate, but at least I would have saved our fielders from having to track down all those laser shots.

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Great shot of CVF blocking the plate while the ump flashed the "hang loose" sign...

John SooHoo would be proud!

Cliff Beefpile said...

HA! Awesome!

@Johnny B: Well, on the back of the cards our BCPG (Beers Consumed Per Game) stats are available. A feature unique to our squad.

Bobby said...

Those are awesome! I just wish I would have remembered to bring my Billy Ripken bat.

rbnlaw said...

Sadly, I was pointing to the very spot where a runner from the other team knocked over my beer whilst scoring one of their numerous runs.

Highlight: I was on the field for our first, and only, inning we held the opponent scoreless.

Update: M. Brown acknowledged that one teams was a ringer team.


rbnlaw said...

Oh, and on the back of Johnnie B's card it will have his heckling stats.

Dude rules the heckle.

New avi!

Dusty Baker said...

Fuckin sweet avi, RBN! I don't see why it needs to be changed again this season. Strong!

Neeebs (The Original) said...

@RBN: I thought he was referring to us, with our matching jerseys and top o the line snark.

Johnny Blanchard said...

The last game featured our only lead also, in that first inning.

I guess our only ringers were the ladies, and ring a ding ding those two!

I was heckling both teams! I kept encouraging DB'sT to join in, but he's all class...

Neeebs (The Original) said...

One man's heckling is another man's snark.

Dusty Baker said...

What is this strange "class" that you speak of?