Saturday, February 11, 2012

Post Game(s) Thread: 2012 Dodger Blogger Softball Tournament

"I think @sosgsosg is the drinking team" - seen on the Twittersphere

SoSG team puts up a valiant drinking beer. Despite their best efforts, they still ended up everyone else's bitch, losing by a collective 64-12. We wouldn't have it any other way!

Here's to the SoSGers who traveled from near and far to join the cause. We'll get 'em next year!


Gagne's lucky glasses said...

*reads recap*

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

"We'll get 'em next year!"

If by "'em" you mean more alcohol, then yes, we will certainly get 'em.

Dusty Baker said...

That's exactly what I meant!

Dusty Baker said...

Nice one, GLG.

Pride of Dong said...

We weren't flying, we were falling, with style!

Hideo Nomo said...

I had fun.

Don't fuck wit' da track pants!

Hideo Nomo said...

Neeebs was Scott Proctor to Orel's Joe Torre.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

My arm fell off on the ride home. It's somewhere let in El Monte off the 10. If you find it please pick it up and ice it.

Dusty Baker said...

*arm falls off*

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Our team definitely wins the prize for most beer consumed. Types as I drink a post game beer from my couch...

Had a great time today fellas!

Dusty Baker said...


Damn, I'm proud of you guys. *cries*

Like my dad always told me in Little League, It's not whether you win or lose, it's how many beers you consume before, during, and after the game.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Good time to be had by all. It was great meeting some of the gang. Missing DB, though.

Cliff Beefpile said...

That was fun ya'll. I don't even give a shit that we lost our 3 games by a cumulative score of 64-13. This jock itch on the other hand...

Cliff Beefpile said...

p.s. We missed ya out there, DB!

rbnlaw said...

My proudest moment was heckling Neeebs from the dugout before I got into the game.

Proudest moment #2: drinking the beer Orel bought.

Proudest moment #3: remainder of the team drinking the beer I bought; Bud fucking weiser.

Oh, and heckling Weisman from DT; meeting M. Brown (his story on how this all came about is compelling, to say the least); meeting R. Baly from VSIMH so he could put a face to the shit I've been talking up to now.

Meeting all the participants in this madness and the Sons themselves? Priceless.

rbnlaw said...

BTW, Neeebs? Looks exactly like the bearded Spock.


Dusty Baker said...

I truly regret I wasn't able to make it, guys. I only get sick about every few years, but when I do, I REALLY do. I had to make the adult *gasp!* decision that it wasn't good for my health to be out there. I woulda been useless anyway (even more than usual).

Next year...

Hideo Nomo said...

That was some damn fine heckling, rbn.

Meeting John SooHoo wasn't too shabby either.

rbnlaw said...

Oh yeah, seeing Josh Maciello, Dodger owner in waiting, was also a highlight.

Still not convinced, although M. Brown confirmed he donated $5000 (yes, 5 large) to the food bank.

Good on him.

rbnlaw said...

There's always next year. Then having you and DB's Toothpick in the same place at the same time might have ripped a hole in the space/time continuum.

rbnlaw said...

Thanks, Hideo. Heckling is easy when you've heard so much in your life.

cc: The Wife

Dusty Baker said...

I was thinking about that...having DBT and DB in the same spot at the same time. Need to clear that with Jet Propulsion Lab first to make sure the space/time continuum wouldn't be permanently rent.

spank said...

my highlight was cranking out the new Van Halen (minus tattoo) outside and the whole neighborhood disappeared. Fucking Mexicans.

*moi Mexican*

spank said...

btway, nice fucking pic,dusty.

Hideo Nomo said...

Sticking with GLG's Friday theme, this also applies.

Johnny Blanchard said...

Gotta hand it to Dodger Diaries (a Dodger blog, apparently), they took it easy on us. (
There is nothing else to say other than that was a lot of fun. Frickin' A!

And do not think we are blowhards. We drank it down goooood.

Bobby said...

Thanks for a great day everyone. Had a lot of fun and it was an honor to represent the Sons.

It's always a good time when you can meet total strangers in the morning and have some new friends by the time the beer has run dry.

OK. I Back to icing my softball sized torso bruise with frozen peas now.

*ps. Due to a registration mix up I was originally slated to play on one of the VISMHB teams and just received a slew of their post tourney emails.

Apparently they had fun too but I doubt they had nearly as much fun as us.


Pride of Dong said...

Most awkward moment today, Neebs acting all Gisele after an inning and muttering a little too loudly, "I can't pitch AND field the ball!?!"

Johnny Blanchard said...

Definitely off topic and far be it for me to say what should be posted on this site, but this should be posted on this site:

Maybe it's the beer or me being 13 the last time I saw this, but I'm crying like a baby.

DodgersKingsoftheGalaxy said...

Funny cause after the SB i think there was a free preview of whatever premium channel that was on and i caught a glimpse of that scene when i was on the computer and my cousin was watching it

Neeebs (The Original) said...

@CVF : I think the quote was, "I can't pitch and drink beer on the field?" I think the muttering confused you.

Johnny Blanchard said...

I don't think anyone was capable of doing any two things at once on the field today, other than perhaps drinking and closing their eyes.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Bobby is Todd! Who knew? Now who is cliff?

spank said...


Hideo Nomo said...

Cliff is El Montanero.

Bobby said...

@Neeebs* Yup. Sort of a convoluted story involving both a longtime nickname and laziness to change my blogger name.

If anyone is currently on the hunt for watchable TV, an Eastbound and Down marathon just started on HBO. Every. Episode.

Hideo Nomo said...

Via "SaMoDodger," in a comment on Dodger Thoughts:

LFP beat my team, Dodgers Diaries, 18-12 in the final. We had a lead, but then they put up a 13-spot. Congrats to them and to Mike Brown for running a great tournament.

Let's hope it's merely the first of an annual tradition. It was a pleasure meeting so many of you.

That was LFP 2, btw.

I also read elsewhere that John SooHoo hit a 3-run HR in Tiger Stadium.

Dusty Baker said...

I am El Montanero!

Wait, I'm Kilroy. Sorry. Never mind. Apologize for the mixup..

Neeebs (The Original) said...

My Quads are on fire. I blame Orel.

Dusty Baker said...

Wait, Orel has your quads flaming?


Fred's Brim said...

does "quads" translated to Spanish equal "Menudos"?

Dusty Baker said...

cc: 7777s

MeanieBreanie said...

I'm so proud of this team. You may not have won the game but here is something I know that many of you excel at: