Wednesday, February 08, 2012

SoSG Fantasy Football 2011 Conclusion

Hey, it's MLASF/MLASC!

It's over. The long, arduous process has finally concluded, and we have a winner: The New York Giants! Also NicJ! Everyone's favorite four-letter commenter has won the crown of 2011 SoSG FF Champion! He defeated Jason 234-171 en route to his victory. The final standings are:

1. NicJ
2. Jason
3. Karina
4. Dusty Baker
5. Prof. Dittmore
6. FernieV
7. Steve K
9. QuadSevens
10. Mr. LA Sports Czar
11. Spank
12. Loney Fan
13. Wicks
14. Paul
15. Central Valley Fan
16. Meaniebreanie
17. rbnlaw

As for Nic's prize, he wins a share of ownership in the Los Angeles Dodgers!

That's right! Nic is now a co-owner of the Dodgers! And if that empty gesture weren't enough, he also wins a Topps 2011 Marcus Thames card to sweeten the pot! So celebrate, Nic! And enjoy the spoils of winning!


MeanieBreanie said...

Congrats Nic, that's a far cry from last season. Bravo!

Dusty Baker said...

Nicely played this season, Nic!

Hideo Nomo said...

Josh Macciello just gave Nic a billion dollars, a solid gold house, and a rocket car for that share.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

You really love the gold house/rocket car bit, Nomo.

Hideo Nomo said...

Ain't that the pot calling the kettle a meme over...user...thing.

Jason said...

That's cool, I got a mini-giraffe for second place.

Dusty Baker said...

Karina got steak knives.

I got fired.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

When did the Twitter decal go up?

Orel said...

Couple of hours ago. I'm open to less sucky designs.

Dusty Baker said...

Are you open to higher res images?

Orel said...

Won't higher-res images make the sidebar take longer to load?

Dusty Baker said...


For that tiny thing? Naw.

Fernie V said...

Congrats Nic, i am glad you guys popped my FFL blog cherry.