Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Huge thanks and props to German Rivera (verdilak.com) for our T-shirt design!

  • Yeah, we made T-shirts! More huge thanks and props to John G for coordinating and co-funding the printing.
  • Speaking of T-shirts, a message from Mike: "BTW I'm bringing out all the shirts in the LFP store to sell the day of the event....I'm blowing them out any where from $6 - $10 each."
  • Here are the tournament rules. I need a translator. What does "Home runs - 3 and 1 up" mean? What in hell is the "Box Rule"? And "group business"?
  • We play Dodger Diaries (bastards!) at 8AM, True Blue LA (bastards!) at 10AM and MSTI (bastards!) at 1PM. Pizzas and soda will be consumed at some point. Maybe during a game.


Hideo Nomo said...


Neeebs (The Original) said...

Dirty Bastards, all of them!

Fred's Brim said...

Me wanty a t-shirt! How do I make that happen, aside from flying out there and actually participating?

Fred's Brim said...

Will somebody be live blogging the event, or the SOSG games at least?

Fred's Brim said...

and all the bastards can suck it!

Hideo Nomo said...

Someone get FB a shirt! He's on the 40-man roster, so he should get one.

Hideo Nomo said...

And yes, we should have a live blog. I want to post from my position.

Eric Karros said...

Good luck folks! Just please don't fail to remember that the no new inning rule does NOT apply to group business.

M.Brown said...

Good luck guys. See you in a few days.

M.Brown said...

Also don't forget to bring a box or bag of non perishable food for the food bank.

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Those t-shirts are freaking cool! Way better than the iron-on avatar idea I was going with.

Let's get to business, but not Group Business!!!

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Who is this Verdilak guy? The status on his website says he's listening to The National. That's one of my favorite bands of all time.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I want a shirt too!

Dusty Baker said...

We're definitely live blogging this shit. I'm guessing we'll be far better at game-time online snark than we will at actually playing the game.

Can't wait to post the starting lineup, just like we do in actual Dodger games!

Dusty Baker said...

EK, good to hear from you. Missed you in the finish the limerick thread a couple weeks ago.

(humps cartoon bear)

Dusty Baker said...

That iron-on avatar comment cracked me up, DBT.

Now I'm picturing each of our avatars hastily slapped onto a cheap white tee. Neeebs' stands out as one the potential goofiest, though a tee with Karina's traditional shoulder gnome would be held in high regard.

Dusty Baker said...

Does "group business" mean what I think it means?

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

@DB I might still do it for my "batting practice" t-shirt.

Michael's sells that iron-on paper.

Totally classy, and I think conforms to SoSG standards.

spank said...

me shirt me too

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Hey now, there are tons of Trekkers out there that would pay good money for an iron-on avatar of Spock con Beard.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Then again, I should bring my Spock's Beard T shirt (if I can find it.)

cc: Spanky

Bobby said...

I Google'd 3 and 1 up the other day. Basically it means you can hit a maximum of 3 home runs until your opponent hits 3. Then after that you can take turns going "1 up" on each other.

After last night's session at Burbank's lovely Batcade I don't think I'll be contributing too much to the 3 dinger cap.

Dusty Baker said...


I love the thought of your having a BP tee and then a game tee. Hope you have a walk up song picked out already, too.

Wait, did you just use the words "SoSG" and "classy" in the same sentence? That's never happened before.

Hideo Nomo said...

Heh. I was hoping to hit up Batcade too, but I don't think I'll have time.

I winder if there's time for a little BP before we start.

MeanieBreanie said...

EK makes an appearance. We love you and miss you! Come back.

Cliff Beefpile said...

I have no qualms about cheating like a motherfucker.

Pine tar, check.
Sand paper, check.
Corked bat, check.
Cleats filed to a fine point, check.

Dusty Baker said...

Excellent, then, Clifff.

You'll be batting one through nine and doing some pinch hitting.

Dusty Baker said...

I was hoping to hit up the Batcave but that little a Robin keeps having his rave friends over and taking over the place.

karina said...

EK, your comment brightened up my day! <3333333333

a couple of thoughts:

a) you guys liveblog, I and whoever wants to join me, we will livecheerlading

b) my avatar will be (of course) shoulder gnome. However, i might be late for cheerleading, I'll be working on a music video on Friday and i really think we'll work more than 24 hours *sighs* i'll do my best to wake up on time but i'd love if someone can pitch in early

c) i SO want a shirt

*back to work*

Dusty Baker said...

I love the idea of your cheerleading for a team you won't be able to actually see, Karina. Nor will we be able to actually see you cheer, but we will do a great job picturing you in your little blue and white cheerleading skirt. (fans self)

spank said...

get a room

Eric Karros said...

Spank no need to be jealous Spank, I hear Dusty and Karina are open to group business.

Eric Karros said...

And hi everyone, Dusty, Meanie, Karina, et al - good to see everyone too!

I just read through the comments. Including my own...apparently I like saying Spank. Yes, it's true. Spank.


MeanieBreanie said...

Did someone say spank? Ooh, I love to spank naughty, naughty boys.

Dusty Baker said...

It's always confusing with MB, because "spank" is her safe word.

Dusty Baker said...

@EK re group business

Exactly! 3 to 1 homerun rule, if you know what I mean.

Orel said...

We got the T-shirts, now let's get some cheerleaders.

Dusty Baker said...

We have virtual cheerleaders.

Eerily reminiscent of my high school days.

spank said...

I'm down for cheerleading. Do i have to shave my legs and back?

Dusty Baker said...



Hideo Nomo said...

You have to shave MY legs and back.

Dusty Baker said...

DAMMIT! Nomo, you just revealed the prize from Stubbs' next contest.

Franklin Stubbs said...

We can't give away that as a gift! That will totally ruin my "correctly match the back hair to the appropriate Son contest in the PCS this summer.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Missed a close quote in there, but you get the idea.

Franklin Stubbs said...


Dusty Baker said...


Johnny Blanchard said...

A little inspiration for our 3 and up 1 rule:


Music, yes.

Dusty Baker said...

ps- to all you cheerleaders - the box rule will be in effect.

MeanieBreanie said...

@DB - there is no keeping us in a box. You should know that by now.

Dusty Baker said...


I was going for more of a sexual double entendre than a suggestion that you all could be contained.

spank said...


Johnny Blanchard said...

Can we put up some gambling lines for the tourney here? I'm going nuts.

Does anyone think we can win this?

(If you want to treat that last comment as sardonic, feel free.)

rbnlaw said...

Shirt? XL por moi.

Dusty Baker said...

(treats Johnny B's comment as sardonic)

I'd love to do something with odds making, but since I have utterly no idea who is on what team, and their ability, it would be an utter stab into the random darkness.

Johnny Blanchard said...

Yeah, DB, except gambling makes everything better.

Dusty Baker said...

True, true.