Sunday, February 26, 2012

2012 Academy Awards Viewing Thread

Who's watching? Who's gawking at cleavage? Catty remarks to share? How are you doing on your own ballot? Let's hear it!

For the haters, Deadspin has a primer.


Dusty Baker said...

Leaked, likely lineup for tonight:

5:30 PM: Show starts, Billy Crystal’s opening number.
5:40 PM: 1st award – Cinematography.
5:43 PM: Art Direction.
5:52 PM: Costume Design.
5:54 PM: Makeup.
6:03 PM: Foreign Language Film.
6:07 PM: Supporting Actress.
6:20 PM: Editing.
6:23 PM: Sound Editing
6:26 PM: Sound Mixing.
6:33 PM: Cirque du Soleil
6:37 PM: Documentary Feature.
6:41 PM: Animated Feature.
6:49 PM: Visual Effects.
6:53 PM: Supporting Actor.
7:04 PM: Score.
7:08 PM: Song (expect a possible Muppet surprise here).
7:17 PM: Adapted Screenplay.
7:20 PM: Original Screenplay.
7:31 PM: Live Action Short.
7:34 PM: Documentary Short.
7:37 PM: Animated Short.
7:44 PM: Direction.
7:58 PM: In Memoriam.
8:07 PM: Best Actor.
8:15 PM: Best Actress.
8:27 PM: Best Picture.

Dusty Baker said...

Rooney Mara's bangs have to be taken out back and shot.

Dusty Baker said...

This Sacha Baron Cohen gag is bullshit and shouldn't have been allowed. I can't say how unfunny I think he really is.

Dusty Baker said...

I love those grouchy old Muppet dudes. They are my true inspiration.

Dusty Baker said...

First win: Cinematography - Hugo

Dusty Baker said...

Art Direction: Hugo

Hugo was my favorite movie of the year. I'm happy to see it winning at least a couple of awards before that sissy-ass French crap takes over. ANd I don't mean Midnight in Paris.

Dusty Baker said...

Now the French sissy shit. The Artist wins for Costume Design.

Really? How hard was it to get the main actor in a classic tux?

Dusty Baker said...

Makeup: The Iron Lady

Torie skank.

Dusty Baker said...

Foreign Language Film: A Separation.

I tried to watch this today and just couldn't get into it. It was 40 mins of watching Iranians argue about who will take care of their old dad. What am I missing?

Dusty Baker said...

Supporting Actress:

Octavia Spencer in The Help

Dusty Baker said...

Is that really Ned at the Chapter 11 Theater??

Dusty Baker said...

Editing: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Sound Editing: Hugo

Sound Mixing: Hugo

Orel said...

How did you miss Ned? Main page updated.

Dusty Baker said...

How did you miss my comment from 6:17?

Orel said...

Too much wine!

Dusty Baker said...

Documentary Feature: Undefeated

I just screened this film yesterday afternoon. I strongly recommend it for fans of either a) sports or b) the human condition. DO IT!

Dusty Baker said...


No, I HAVE had too much wine.

Dusty Baker said...

Animated Feature: Rango

Sure to cause anger in my DreamWorks household.

Personally: This fucking movie blew. Only the most contrarian, trying too hard hipster could like this. I wanted to shoot myself before finishing this, which I barely did. And I like damn near any feature animated movie that ever comes out (except for the second half of Up when the talking dog appears; sorry Nomo).

Fuck this movie.

spank said...

Rango Rocks!

Dusty Baker said...

Rango does not, in fact. rock.

Dusty Baker said...

Telecast about 6-7 mins behind. Not bad.

Dusty Baker said...

Supporting Actor:

Christopher Plummer

Oldest to ever receive an Academy Award. He's only a couple of years younger than the awards themselves.

Hear's to his deserved win.

Dusty Baker said...

Score: The Artist

This is the only category that I think The Artist should win. Clearly, the score drives a silent movie, and is therefore deserved.

Dusty Baker said...

Original Song: felt puppets

Dusty Baker said...


"Front row, do you know what I'm thinking? Why don't we can just chip in and we can buy the Dodgers?"

Dusty Baker said...

Not only can Anjelina not eat, she can't read, either.

Orel said...

Wine status, Dusty?

Dusty Baker said...

Adapted Screenplay: The Descendants

Dusty Baker said...


Finished the French stuff. Moving on to the Coppola Director's Cut cabernet sauvignon (in keeping with the theme).

Good thing I don't have a cross country flight at 8:40am tomorrow morning.

Dusty Baker said...

Original Screenplay: Midnight in Paris

Yea, Woody!

Dusty Baker said...

^ And I'm glad Woody Allen won.

Dusty Baker said...

Short Film, LIve Action: The Shore

Dusty Baker said...

Documentary Short: Saving Face

Dusty Baker said...

Animated Short: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

Dusty Baker said...

Director: That dude who directed The Artist whose name I'm not even going to begin to try to spell.

Dusty Baker said...

Harry Morgan left out of the In Memoriam section? SHAME, Academy!


Dusty Baker said...

Actor: John of the Garden

Orel said...

Safe flight, Dusty!

Hideo Nomo said...


Dusty Baker said...

Actress shocker: Meryl Streep for Iron Lady


Dusty Baker said...

Best Film:

Fuck it. I disagree so heavily I can't even type.

Dusty Baker said...


Thanks. I'm not flying the plane, luckily.

Dusty Baker said...


Fred's Brim said...

I very much liked the adapted screenplay win for Dean Pelton and the guy who played the guy in the milkshake costume in Reno 911

Hideo Nomo said...

@FB: It must have been Reno 911 night at the Oscars. Deputy Clementine also presented an award.

Fred's Brim said...

mmmm Clemmy

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Impressive poster work, Dusty.

I was part of a campaign - led by Friend of SoSG Todd - to get Randy Savage in the Memoriam lineup. Alas, even with a contact in the Academy Award editing room, no dice :-(

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

@Dusty - did you do the photoshop of the posters? If so, color me impressed. Or Color Me Badd

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

@Dusty - did you do the photoshop of the posters? If so, color me impressed. Or Color Me Badd

Dusty Baker said...

I cannot claim credit for doing this. It was swiped from a website that I didn't directly credit because it has its logo on the posters themselves so I thought it would be redundant.