From "Manny Ramirez says he'll join A's" at
Manny Ramirez told ESPN's Pedro Gomez on Monday that he has agreed to a deal with the Oakland Athletics.Sources tell Gomez the deal is worth about $500,000. Ramirez is obligated to serve a 50-game suspension without pay before beginning play for the A's due to violating baseball's drug policy for the second time. With no rainouts, the first game Ramirez would be eligible to play is June 2 at Kansas City.
I’m baaack. Hi, my name ees Manny Ramirez. I luv Oaklan', I luv de bay, de fan, Oaktow’, wait, I mean Mannytow’. Bee-Eye-Pee Tickess haz de ticke’ to everyting dat happen een Oaklan'. Com to see me, Manny, een som da best seet in da house. Bee-Eye-Pee Tickess, make i’ eezy. Bee-Eye-Pee Tickess haz been ‘part o’ de communidy fo’ 28 yeerz, da onlee ticke’ brocker dat I wood yooz. Beleev it.
ManRam, Coco Crisp, and Brad Pitt as the general manager? Some teams have al the luck!
A Bee-Eye-Pee Tickess monologue was definitely in order.
Hey look! Once again, Pedro Gomez is reporting about a Bay Area steroid user!
I've marked my calendar!!!!!!
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