So all we need now is for that pesky NFL lockout to end, and we can start Season 2 of SoSG Fantasy Football! This is the season where Ruben Stoddard beats out that wispy-thin country western beanstalk guy, right?
Anyway, thanks to Mr. LA Sports Czar for setting up another season, the link for which can be found here. There are eighteen slots already spoken for, with the draft coming around the corner. Our 18 lucky participants are:
- Mr. C
- Spank
- Q7
- Jason
NeeebsFernie V- LoneLy Fan
- Wicks
- Josh S.
- Central Valley Fan
- Steve K
- NicJ
- Paul
- Ditty
- rbnlaw
- Meaniebreanie
- Karina
- Dusty Baker
Can I please make a couple of suggestions for the league this year:
- 1. We will set up SmackThreads so you can trash-talk all you'd like week to week (that was honestly the most entertaining part of the long baseball off-season).
- 2. Once the season starts, it would be helpful if you could please not change your team's name too much. And if you absolutely do have to do that, could you please at least not change your "owner" name so we can follow along. (It also makes the weekly wrap-up threads a lot easier to manage.)
- 3. We Sons will throw in a small handful of prizes for the winners, on top of whatever bounty Mr. LA Sports Czar wants to donate.
Awesome. I can't say that I'm personally looking forward to some more NFL football (not being a big NFL fan), but I know I am looking forward to another season of chaos in SoSG Fantasy Football. Let the games begin!
SoSG FF Season 1 final wrapup found here, but you can go back and read all the week-to-week goodness here!
Did you yell America when you stepped on the gas pedal?
BTW, espn un is SOSGCentralValleyFan
If your name is:
Central Valley Fan
Steve K
you must report to the principal's office immediately.
Thats totally how it was for me in school
Uh-oh! What am I in trouble for now?
Those four have yet to email me for the password.
Karina and I being in the minority promise to give you guys holy hell each and every week!!!
(smiles with glee)
Wait, I need a consistent team name? Dammit, I have to think of something with lasting power. There's no way Timberlake's Beer will stick over the course of months.
It's either going to be Knights of Sammy Knight or Sedrick Ellis Island. It'll probably be a draft day decision.
Excellent idea re talking smack here since there isn't a profanity filter in this space.
Guess I've been under the infant rock. Didn't know this was lining up... would have thrown my DelinO enlarged hat into the ring.
May I suggest Cedric Benson? He's gonna be running hard all year... from the cops!
Hey there from Australia! Any more spots in the league?
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