You know what to do.
Puzzle Rules: The solution to the puzzle is a Dodger.
Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give it away to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:
- Email us the solution (first and last name), along with your reasoning. Submitted answers without the reasoning, or those submitted with the incorrect reasoning, will count for participation only, even if the answer itself is correct;
- Please include your screen name somewhere in the email; and,
- Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. We may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; we may confirm correct answers there.
You have until midnight PT tonight to submit your answer. Answer will be posted a 7a on Friday July 29. Depending on how generous I feel (and how busy today gets at work), we may post hints during the day. Good luck!
Not familiar with SoSG's off-day puzzle competition? Read up here. And join the mayhem!
HINT #1 (10:08a): Okay, obviously you've got to start by solving the drop quote. From there, step two is to order what you've got. (Not sure how many more hints I can give after this!)
HINT #2 (2:40p): Step three is to figure out where to go next to find the treasure. And there, you'll find the answer. Good luck!
"You know what to do."
Oh, I do? Well, that'll make it easy.
I made the word, "Dido." What ever happened to her?
Wish I had another "L."
Oh Josh S, I know you've got this one.
@Dusty Baker 7:26a: Dido finally raised that white flag she referenced. And Iiiiiiiiiiii, want to thank her.
Not sure why that was so funny to me, but thanks Sax.
Guess submitted...
just hit you back BCCSweet
wish i had more time... this one looks like fun.
BCCSweet is in with the first correct answer!
Q7 you are close...
Answer resent!
Dusto, Hint #1 posted.
I probably won't do another hint after this...
sorry, never played a "drop quote" before.
Answer sent again! I got it this time!
QuadSevens is in with the second correct answer!
Answer sent....NOT!
come on Spank, this puzzle is a layup with low entry barriers. you can do it!
My second runner-up finish this season. I'm starting to feel like Phil Hellmuth. =/
I'm your biggest fan. This is Stan.
cc: Fred's Brim
An answer sent.
Jason in with the third correct answer!
Answer sent.
Probably my favorite PCS puzzle this year. Nicely done Sax. Now if only I can force myself to get up at seven and do this before work again... I can feel BCCSweet closing the gap...
Completely forgot today was an off day. Spent day glued fantasy football tip sheets (not really) so I can dominate once again. But instead of Juan Pierre Dodger cards, I'm really hoping for Andruw Jones Dodger cards.
I have no Jones cards, Ditty. Will you settle for Jason Schmidt?
Seriously though, I'm going to try something other than baseball cards this year.
Maybe a singing fish.
So it is true about db and fb, rbnlaw post comforms my suspicions. Dusty send me a email if I am correct, you dont have to come out to everyone if you are not ready. I can keep a secret.
I'm with ubragg. This was a good one.
Eminem up in dis bish!!!
ubragg, Mr. Customer: both of you submitted correct answers. nice work.
I thought I could quickly figure this out, but this drop quote is going to take forever...
Damn. I never had a chance to work on this, and I don't think I'll be getting it done in the next 32 minutes.
i think the drop quote can come together pretty quickly, Josh S and Steve K. I'm up a little while longer if you want to run and gun.
Thanks, Sax, but I think I'm off to sleep...
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