This picture says it all. I can hear the Giants ushers now: Get that pouting kid some chardonnay, stat!
Via Big League Stew (there's actually a tidbit of a story in there, but this kid's face is enough for me. If I were a Giants fan, I would be a grumpasaurus too).
He just saw "The French Eyes."
*baits troll by mocking terrible "Hard Knocks" ripoff*
We just got an email stating that the pouty kid actually *DID* have his chardonnay already (which was obscured in the photo by the back-of-seat wine glass holder.
The problem, however, was that they only had sheep and cow blue-veined cheeses available, and has sold out of goat blue-veined cheese. Hence the pouting.
My six year-old daughter just kicked his ass, while wearing her Dodger Blue, of course...
Blondes and Dodger Blue, perfect together.
That's the look I get when she won't put out.
I hate that we are commenting about the Gnats. That said, you have to love the kid next to him with his rally hat on.
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