Chad Billingsley (7-4, 4.14) vs. Jaime Garcia (8-4, 2.17).
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COMMENTS (from Sax): Well, that first game back from the All-Star Break didn't go as planned. The Dodgers' 7-1 loss, driven by a tough outing by Clayton Kershaw (4.1 IP, 5 R, 4 ER, 3 BB, 1 K) and 0-fers from Rafael Furcal, Matt Kemp, Manny Ramirez, James Loney, and Casey Blake (a combined 0-for-17 with no walks and 6 Ks), is one thing. But meanwhile, Tim Lincecum rolled the Giants to victory, and the Padres got an extra day off thanks to the parity-loving folks in the Commissioner's Office. Oh yeah, and this McCourt divorce stuff doesn't just mean that we ain't getting any relief help in the 'pen; it's so bad, even pitchers we don't even want on our team still get in the game (0.2 IP, 1 K, 1 H, 7.09 ERA). Can Chad Billingsley get us back on course before we fall into a tie for third place?
1 – 200 of 236 Newer› Newest»Furcal 6
Kemp 8
Ethier 9
Ramirez 7
Blake 5
Loney 3
Martin 2
Carroll 4
Billingsley 1
Per a Tweet from Jim Bowden:
"Ned Colletti just told us that he is looking to add a starting pitcher and a reliever and he has the flexibility to make a major transaction"
I think I'm going to need to get good and hammered for tonight's game. Parents: hide your kids.
Giants sign Dontrelle Willis to a minor league deal: will the Dodgers get another opportunity to pad some stats against him this year?
Did they sign Willis to throw batting practice or what?
Nothin' like a little D-train to D-rail the Jints' playoff hopes.
D-Train has been assigned to the bullpen in AAA Fresno. I'm not sure how that story could possibly get more depressing.
Your new assignment: go heckle D-Train at AAA Fresno.
How are there conflicting edits? I'm the only idiot saying anything.
On the sofa, Eric!
Get us started, Raf--
Way to get us started, Raffy!
Epale everyone!
Getting the game tonight, the Dodgers broadcast.
Dodgers, are you going to allow that I see you losing back to back nights?
Time to abandon ship. There's beer cooling at home and I'm here at work.
I will shortly remedy that problem.
Crowd too hot even to muster much of a boo when Manny stepped in.
Epale, Karina!
You finally get the LA broadcast, but no Vinny? That's just cruel!
Break out of your funk, Beard Mode!
Hey Peeps! Whats the haps?
Spanky in tha house!
Beard just CANNOT get anything going lately.
Epale Everyone!
Epale karina, you lucky girl, you get to listen to Eric Collins with the rest of us
What flavor do you have, Spanky?
I'm sippin' on a two-fo of Red Stripe now.
Can I go back to sleep now?
@Mr C sort of, but at this moment I'm grateful I can watch the game on TV
That walk Manny drew must have tweaked his hammy.
All he did was walk! Is he being traded?
Got a six of Icehouse and a 12 of Steel Reserve. All tall boys. And a coffin for dessert. Been a rough week.
@karen now I can complain with you all!
He hasn't irritated me, yet.
Maybe Manny just needs a hug.
C'mon Bills
Ahhh, you're partial to the Steel Reserve, Spanky. When I was selecting a road pop at the store this afternoon, I almost snagged a big ole Steel Reserve in your honor. But in the end I couldn't resist the siren song of Red Stripe.
Here we go
Did Ethier know he was supposed to field the ball and throw it back to the infield?
Yep. Definitely going back to sleep.
Vinny would be having a Winn-gasm if he were calling this game.
Yeah, 'cuz you always want to spot the Cardinals three in the first.
Man! WTF Lord of the thighs
You know It ain't your night when Randy Winn is beating you. I'm starting to think we would have been better off with just skipping this trip.
Can Fernando still pitch? Even if we could get him to eat 5 and a third innings every five days, that would be better than this shite who keeps showing up (or not, as the case may be).
@Josh some foreplay would have been nice...unless THIS is foreplay
It's getting to a point in the season where just beating up on the NL West isn't good enough anymore.
Sorry, Josh. You're right. Not enough foreplay yet.
@Dusty Baker if we could convince Wilson Alvarez out of retirement
HAAAAAAHHHH! Nice, Karina. We were thinking the same thing.
We could use Don Drysdale's dead, severed arm to throw the ball and it would be more effective than some of the outings Bills has had.
*checks to see if is available for a Blog name*
great minds, Dusty
I'll take this lousy fielding
I'd prefer to see Matt Holliday drop fly balls, but I'll take it.
After MSB hustling to a triple, we had better score him.
Your #FF Tweets today were hilarious. Thx for the laughs!
We need a 1,2,3 inning. Well I need.
It's funny you said that b/c just a few minutes ago I Tweeted:
"Is it too much to ask for #Dodgers to start a game with a 1-2-3 inning (I mean our pitchers, not our batters, for the record)?"
TBLA reporting:
"For any Manny speculators, Trayvon Robinson was removed from the @ChattLookouts game in the middle of the 3rd inning. Unsure of any injury"
@ dusty
I'm stealing your tweets and posting them here as my own.
Wha happened to manny?
Calf to day
OOH Loney that was nice
Come on, E. Make it 4-2 w one swing and we're right back in it.
Manny needs to start juicing again. Maybe he could at least get 6 weeks and some good offense before he gets caught.
@Dusty Baker thank you very much! if you liked them, that was the purpose.
It's funny you said that, because I did a #FF to a couple of my girlfriends, who have been in campaign so a famous venezuelan actor retweets them. I was joking, because they've been on campaign for days.
Guess what? he retweeted me with my #FF and my friend just called me to tell me that. She asked how I did it and I told her I'm adorable EVEN when I type :)
p.s: that particular actor was very nice with me long time ago, I'm sure he won't remember me but he's officially in the list of people I don't know but I like with no good reason.
I talk to a friend and the Cards score another run? geez!
Does anybody like this directly-behind-the pitcher view?
Hop on this Lyons!
there's one back
Dodgers score!
Hey, we're not losing as bad as we were earlier!
See, karina, you turn your attention back to the game and we fare better. Lesson learned.
can we outscore Chad tonight?
Fucking KKemp. Run MoFo. Haven't you learned?
nice work, FJL
Sprayin' 'em now!!!
Lone-Dogg Baby!
you got anything, Russ?
I love FJL. As long as he isn't GIDP, he's my main man. My man FJL.
King James RBI!
side note: we all know King james is not a power hitter but he damn*good contact hitter with a great glove.
*pardon my french
@FB re: JMart
no he doesn't
Russ just trying not to get out and take the walk
Damn, I forgot to drink that whole half inning.
Clayton gave up a ton of hits yesterday and was hit pretty hard vs the Cubs the start before. I wonder if something's wrong with him.
What a let down
You been able to find any Esta es mi ciudad - San Fernando Valley t-shirts on the internets yet? I've looked around here and there but couldn't come up with anything for you.
I wear mine a lot (Mrs Dusty might say I overwear it) and it always gets me some nice comments and hat tips.
I don't think anything's wrong with Kid K. Just not in a groove.
Fuck Fucking Pulgas
Hollownutz tambien
This is good, ladies and gents. It's not a shutout and it's only a 2 run lead. Go Dodgers!
Don't worry for the lead off Pujols single, he hits everyone...
Holliday just SMOKED that ball like Snoop on a Philly.
Randy Winn you arent any good and you know that. Time to cut the shit and play to your real talent
Mrs Dusty just called from her drive home and said "Pulgas sucks! We should just throw at him!"
I've taught her well.
Randy Winn is still in the league
Pulgas stoppped at third, too. Is he THAT slow these days?
Rancho Ardiendo, no outs.
inhale, exhale, repeat.
god i hate this
Chad you make me so sad. No other Dodger does this to me
This is going to be very bad
ALright, time to stop fooling around and hit the Dos XX.
@DB been looking on Ebay regularly but havent seen any. there's always some Taiwan and Cuba ones there but no Fernando shirts. It's a great shirt so I can understand why nobody's wants to sell it. Thanks for keeping an eye out though!
Pulgas is all roided out he can't even walk right
If I ever see one on someone I'll try to put some roofies in his drink and gank his shirt.
why do you call Pujols "Pulgas"?
He hates that nickname "El Hombre"
Because his last name is so close to "pulgas"
getting to the bottom of the order keeps it to one run
@DB: awesome! Do what you gotta do!
I'd prefer to call Pujols "Mutt". But then I call everyone Mutt by default.
Carroll is really growing on me...on the other hand, I'm clueless about my son.
Do you think your son JMart is rebelling against you? Maybe he just needs his space.
Why the hell did you pull the bat back, Bills? useless waste of an AB.
Chad, what is wrong with you?
Is he a problem drinker or something?
@ Karina
Your son needs to be spanked(no pun intended) and be told to shape up or else.
We got that punk lil rookie bastard out of the game. Hook was quicker than RB on free Budweiser at a reception.
Chad makes us all problem drinkers.
there has to be something wrong with him. Injury, drink, drugs, weight, something
@Dusty Baker @Spanky parenting is way harder than I expected. Maybe he needs to be grounded (as opposed to hit grounders all the time). A spank? isn't he too old for that?
Dre to tie it up?
No, you're never too old to be spanked.
Ask Neeebs' mom.
Dre, how about a HR?
shut your damn mouth, ump
@ Karina
You are never to old for a spanking
look at that SOB staring down Dre as he walked away
In all seriousness, I think it's his mental makeup. You can tell how angry he gets at himself at the very slightest of error. Then it's all downhill. There's no doubt that the raw talent is there, but he just seems to get down on himself too much and too quickly, and doesn't have that killer instinct.
Neeeb's mom isn't old
FB said "there has to be something wrong with him. Injury, drink, drugs, weight, something"
Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Sorry, Spanky. You should have first dibs on all spanking references.
Son of a crack whore! Can we get the god dang leadoff man out once?
@DB you are probably right, but if it came out that Chad had to go where Belli had to go, it wouldn't surprise me one bit
this shit has gotten very old
I'm tired of all this movement on bases with no outs.
Bills just needs to be aggressive. You got a mid 90's weapon at your disposal to use to strike fear. Use that shit man.
Hehe, we're all saying the same things.
@DB seriously - my own ears were burining when I typed that!
Mark McGuire looks like a shriveled up old man. Pretty sad.
Up and In right here Bills
Cards are going to score in every inning
i'm sorry for saying these bad things, Chad. I like you and want you do so well. But I am just frustrated, as I am sure you are, and I try to come up with answers. But I should just keep that to myself instead of saying hurtful things
Free James, I like you too
cmon sonny boy!
Did Karina hijack Fred's Brim's account or something?
time for me to go
going to drink and think about other things
Can we just get back to talking about waterless urinals again?
What are these strange "other things" of which you speak?
@Dusty Baker there's nothing wrong with Fred's Brim embracing the good side of things.
By the way, I canceled a night out because the Dodgers were on tv.
@karen I think McGwire looks good.
George Sherrill won't go away
FB went EMO
I don't understand this situation with Sherrill
The Ghost is coming in
Great! Flat Breezy coming in to save the day.
All those negative tweeters are going to have a field day with this.
Do you really?? I think he looks so small and old with the grey goatee
"FB went EMO"
Hah. Now I'm picturing Fernando from FB's avatar looking all Emo'd out.
Perfect place to have Flat Breezy pitch for his future: On the road, losing but game within reach, against a talented offensive team. This will work out well!
You made the right decision about staying in.
I don't think I've ever seen a player on waivers and still being played
Don't worry guys tomorrow is a fox game and it's in st Louis. So that's gonna go awesome.
COme on, Flat Breezy- I'm pulling for you man!
McGwire looks like Santa claus with his grey hair and gold wire glasses.
Thanks Breezy
See Dodgers, guys on waivers can't pitch on MLB games!
This is just gut-wrenching to see Breezy go through.
It's crazy how he just can't get right handers out.
Man this game sucks
D Train says "hi" and " fuck it is hot in this town."
One K between two SPs in two nights for Dodger pitching in this series. How could we even TRY to do that?
@karen I have always thought men look their best between 35-50 and he's the reason I'll look twice to redheads.
Alright, Karina - I still have another ten years before I fall out of your acceptable zone!
That Dre's catch made me smile
Great catch by Dre
To be completely honest going into this series I was thinking we were getting swept.
Hoping different but thinking sweep. We never win here.
Did I say acceptable? I said "prime" and nice people, like you, get better with age. And you're a man.
Game is not over.
Here's a little something to lighten our mood. Colt 45 commercial from the 60s:
It's a shame about Sherrill and GAARP too. They are probably good people. But circumstances sheds them in this negative light. You should know when it is over though.
Also I think Karina needs a cold shower
@Nic J 7:02 you just left me with no expectations for tomorrow's game.
I don't need anything, Spanky.
Monster Cheerios in. This will be a great outing for him, getting to face a potent offense in a likely losing effort on the road. This could be a real confidence booster.
What up with opening Bolivar's tomb to examine the remains?
Great, now we have Lyons talking about his "storied" career. Just shoot me. But don't have Flat Breezy do it because he'd miss.
Rox lost.
I miss Vinny.
@Dusty Baker I'm scared, I'm sure that's bad Santeria. A few days ago, they moved the symbolic remains of Manuelita Saenz, one of the women involved in Latin American independence and one of the Bolivar's lovers from Peru to Caracas. Those acts are not random.
I don't know if you know something about Santeria, but rituals involving dirt from dead people or cemetery are very evil, as evil you can imagine. I'm telling you this from my practicing Catholic perspective.
It's like Collins is interviewing Lyons about his career and his thoughts on steroids and such. This is NOT calling a game! Come on, fellas.
Gold Star for you, XP.
Now let's score some runs.
They didn't score!!! Hooray for our team!
Yep, I knew re: Santeria.
And I'd sacrifice a chicken or something if I thought it would help our starting pitching.
@Dusty Baker hahahahahaha, we could pay some Santeria people to prepare a bath for Dodgers, so they start hitting against all NL West.
By the way, animal sacrifice is also used for evil purposes.
Everything I know about Santeria I learned in that movie "Angel Heart."
As Sublime once said:
I don't practice santeria got no crystal ball
Well I had a million dollars but I'd spend it all
Checking back in. Been busy. Why are we so awful?
I got all my Santeria knowledge from sublime.
Shiiiit. This game didn't go well, did it? I can't leave y'all alone for an hour?
@Dusty Baker haven't seen that movie. I know Santeria because it's practiced on every Caribbean country, with small differences to whom they worship and some rituals. The strongest and darkest rituals are performed by haitian and cuban wizards and witches, called babalaos.
I know this because it's part of my culture and I have friends who are babalaos.
Check the previous page for my Sublime reference. Good thinking between us!
@Mr C it's not fair, it's not your fault they've decided to not hit and Bills had a rough night. Open a cold beer and let's cross fingers the Dodgers turn the table.
I guess I have some updating to do on my Collins Curse spreadsheet.
I'm going to put on my Venezuelan Positivity Hat for a second:
If we win one game in this series, we will have won the season series. Suck on THAT, Fredbird!
Spanky is scared of the dark now! See what yall did?
@Josh thanks for the optimism!
@Spanky don't play with my fears! de que vuelan, vuelan!
Been sleeping with one eye open since 1972. HaHa
Way ahead of you on one count!
I'll take it
I'll take that run. Rancho Ardiendo and just one out!
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